"Please, Mr. Panda?" and Shapes
Image from: https://www.amazon.co.jp/Please-Mr-Panda-Steve-Antony/dp/1338106481
Good morning Petals! We started our happy Tuesday with longer free play time. We continued our blue-themed art activity and special cards for our grandparents. The back of the classroom was full of Lego! We expressed our creativity with the Legos. We extended our free play time because many friends needed to make special cards.
After we finished our snack time, we gathered together. Today’s circle time was started by one of our favorite books, “Please, Mr. Panda” by Steve Antony. The Panda offers his doughnuts. The animals wanted some but Mr. Panda didn’t give it to them because…. They forgot to say the magic word “Please!” While Sayaka was reading the book, she asked us, “Why doesn't the panda share the doughnut..? Then L said that the animals didn’t say please. At the end of the story, the lemur asked him in a polite manner, “Please!” So, the panda gave all the doughnuts to him. After that, Sayaka asked about how the other animals behaved towards Panda. M said, “It’s a boo-boo!” and he added that we should ask in a polite manner. L mentioned that we should say, “Please.” to ask for something.
Circle time was about the shape of circle and square. She chose the two shapes as we have them for washing hands and going to the toilet line. Sayaka drew the square onto the paper.
Sayaka: What shape is this?
H: It’s the washing hands line!
L: It’s a square!
Next one was a circle.
Sayaka: Can you think of foods with the same shape as the circle?
K: Mikan!
H: Mikan!
L: Donuts!
Sayaka: Can you think of any food with the same shape? (Square)
K: Cheese!
After that we were divided into two groups which were team square and circle, and played tamaire. We had balls on the floor and put them into the basket until the music stopped. Our teachers helped us to count how many balls we got. The first game, team square had 14 balls and team circle had 9. Sayaka asked us, “Which number is bigger?” We thought 9 was bigger than 14. Then Sayaka drew the small circles to compare between 14 and 9. Then H raised her hands and said that 14 is bigger. After that we had another game and Sayaka asked us if we would like to have outside play time. We were not sure if we wanted to go outside. H said, “No, because it rain later.” H added that it was Pauline who said so. Sayaka laughed and said, “Really??? I don’t think so, hahaha!” Pauline also laughed and said, “I said it will rain tonight!!” It made all of us laugh. Sayaka asked us if we really would like to have indoor play time. We said…”Yaaaaaay!!!” We had fun playing a freeze dance game.
Kai also took photos of K and S during free play time. K asked S politely if he could have the glue. Then S passed it to him nicely. Sayaka showed the photo to us.
Sayaka: What are you doing here, S?
S: Playing!
Sayaka: Where do you think this belongs? (Asks about class rules)
S: Sunny- bunny!
Sayaka: How did you feel when S was using gentle hands
K: Happy!
Kai: And K used his words with S and asked for the glue nicely.
That was a very nice story! It taught us how important it is to respect our friends.
All the happy children in Petals Class