Ice Game and Race

            (Belated) Happy Father’s Day to all our Otosan, Daddy, Papa, and Dada! With sparkling eyes, our Flowers friends were delighted to share what they call their father and what they like about them.

            Be: Papa. I like my Daddy because he make me rocket ship with Lego.

            N: Daddy. He makes me happy. He make me Lego train tracks.

            Ch: I call him Ma. He buys me presents on the day when I do good job. Yesterday, I cannot use YouTube, but he gave me a present, so I can use it. He gives me lots of moneys, too.

            Ak: Dada. H, me, and my dad watch TV together and we play together, too. At nighttime, Daddy, me, and H go to bath and we play lots together. My Mommy cannot join because she is busy doing lots of things for us, like cooking and fixing stuff.

            Z: Baba. My Dad always takes me for a walk.

            Li: Daddy. I like it when my Daddy tickles me and mt brother.

            R: Otosan. I make train with my Daddy.

            Ki: I say Sa K. My Daddy, me, and K go to Ariake and do game center. My Daddy gives me lots of money.

            Da: I say Mama. My Daddy play train with me.

            K: I call him Daddy. I like it when Daddy play games with me.

            Y: Daddy. We color pictures.

  Because we cannot keep on talking about our dads, we read a book about Dads called My Daddy Snores by Nancy H. Rothstein. Some of our dads snore, some do not. Some of our dads used to snore but had stopped because we told them to stop snoring. Some of us do not know because we sleep in a separate room. One thing is for sure, we love our dads very much!


            At Step Park, we were so excited to join in our Flowers’ race. For the first two rounds, we raced in two groups. On the third and last round, we all ran together. We tried our best to reach the goal ahead of everybody else. All of us finished the race and were declared as CHAMPIONS!


            Before lunch time, we spent some time pretending to be Olympic athletes while moving our bodies around. For warm-up, we did several rounds of hopscotch. We played a game like freeze game only this time, instead of “freezing” we had to stand within the shape lines on the floor. We were so thrilled when the music stopped and tried our best to stay inside the shapes! Some of our friends were “caught”. We learned a particularly important thing about games. That is, sometimes you win, sometimes you do not. This game was such an exciting one!

            Then came our next game. Our eyes lit up when we saw sparkly and brightly colored ice cubes! We giggled as Vieda invited us to pick our own ice cube. Wow, ice cubes felt so cold, and we loved it. Now the game can begin. There were two big red circles on the table where we needed to put our ice in. How would we do that? Well, we used our hands as rackets! It was such a fun game. When we finished our game, our teachers put a white paper on the table, and enjoyed an ice cube painting activity. After several rounds of rolling our ice cubes, we noticed that our ice cubes were gone! Ak said, “Ice cubes are not gone. They melt already!”. When Ky heard that, he replied, “Melt is when like ice cream go down and down. And our ice go to Petal Class today”. Amazing discoveries about ice and what happens when it melts! Maybe we can talk more about ice next time.

            Vieda showed us a tray with ice cubes that have animals in them. Some of their body parts are coming out so we tried to “rescue” them by pulling their parts that were sticking out, but to no avail☹ Then we remember that we need to have squirt bottles and “magic powder”. Well, perhaps we can do our rescue plan tomorrow!

            Cheers to all our Olympic Champions today! We are excited to see more of our “athletes” tomorrow😊


Flowers XOXO