The Top- Secret Party
We enjoyed indoor play today— here comes the boulder!
To be honest, we don’t know what to report to you all today. We had another rehearsal for next week’s end– of– the– year party, this time, we had to learn where we should sit, where we should stand, and what happens first. It’s all hush– hush as we want it to be a surprise! The teachers felt it was going to be both a happy and sad occasion– we’re celebrating what we had in Petals Class for this school year that’s going to be finished, at the same time we’re also celebrating everyone for a job well done.
Oh– we can tell you about our free play time. We had friends who were completing activities for their portfolios; some were drawing, and some were painting. Some of our friends were finishing puzzles on the table. At the back of the room, we had our blocks, but we were looking for something else to do. Sayaka decided to dance with us, like what we did with her yesterday during circle time. We played something like freeze dance, but instead, Sayaka rolled a colored dice– whatever color it showed (For example, red), then we have to look around and touch the same color. We were very excited, and had so much fun playing this game!
We packed away after, and we had snacks. We got ready for the park and after that we had our rehearsals. We practiced how to _______________________________ and _____________. We made sure that we used our big voices. Then, we talked about the songs that we wanted to dance to and we changed one of the songs we chose yesterday, as the dance steps were difficult. We changed it to ______________
and ___________.
Phew! It’s getting more difficult to tell the story of what happened each day, as we have to keep it top secret! The end– of– the– year party is getting closer and closer!
Kai and Pauline stuck our pictures on the floor, so we know our positions when we dance. While they were busy, Sayaka taught us a fun Japanese song that goes like this:
“Kore kurai no obento bako ni
Onigiri onigiri choito tsumete
Kizami shoga ni goma shio futte
Ninjin san sakuranbo san
Shiitake san gobo san
Ana no aita renkon san
Suji no totta fuki”
It was a song about the obento box– yum! She also taught us a funny song about raccoons.
After we went through all the things we needed to know, there wasn’t enough time for the park, and Pauline apologized as she knows we love playing outside. She said we were out of time, so we can play inside. We requested for our ultimate favorite game of all– here comes the boulder. We were lucky we were able to do 1 round. We saw the teachers having SO MUCH fun teasing us as they threw and kicked the beach ball. We all did our best to avoid being hit by the ball, and were all laughing and squealing in glee! Everyone was so sweaty after the game, and we all dug into our lunches after. The game made us so hungry!
That’s all for today– how about you? How was your day?
All the happy children in Petals Class