Play and Discover


Oobleck Making

     Flour, salt, water, and loads of empty trays… what can we make with these ingredients? OOBLECK!

     This morning, we made a simple science experiment of mixing dry and wet ingredients. It was fun to sift flour into bowls of different sizes. Things got extra fun when some of us blew the flour and it resembled “smoke”.  Using plastic dispensers, we gently squeezed it to let water out. Oops! Too much water made it too runny!  Mixing, mixing, mixing! We sprinkled in some salt to add some texture to it. When using spatulas was not enough, we used our hands to spread the mixture onto a cardboard. When we’ve managed to make a good consistency for our oobleck, drops of colored dyed were added and we swirled it around using spoons.

Gems, Rollers, and Playdough

     Playdough is always a blockbuster hit for us! Roll it, pinch it, and squeeze it… playdough give our little fingers a good exercise. Not only does it enhance of fine motor development, using it as a class opens the door for us to learn how to collaborate and share. With having new materials such as plastic gems and rollers, it sparkled new ideas. Some of us even used the rollers to “massage” our necks.

Colored Dotted Markers & Bubble Wrap Sheet

     We still have got loads of bubble wrap sheets that we need to dash colors on! Continuing on with a favorite activity of ours, we stamped dots onto sheets. This time, we have become better in twisting off the caps and putting it back on by ourselves!

 The Buds Band

     Some of our friends took out some instruments and did a musical jamming session together with Goh San. We sang out hearts out and played our instruments with so much gusto!


      We were all so engaged in  the activities that both our teachers and we made that we almost skipped Circle Time! But not to worry, the learning never stops! Our Water Play has been a favorite past time for us especially now that the warmer weather has started to make its way. Splish! Splash! Our balcony is always filled with sounds of glee.

     Eric Carle’s “Animals, Animals” was read to us to help us review the different animals that we can see in a carnival. Apart from identifying the animals, we also identified the animals that we have made a replica of such as the caterpillar, butterfly, elephant and horse!

     For Outdoor Play, we opted to go to the temple and had a wonderful time interacting with the children from Petals Class. Together with Tamara, we also found a little rolly polly insect crawling around the garden.

             We hope you had a wonderful day!

                               Love, Buds Class Children