Happy birthday to our dear friends!


Oh dear! It’s another rainy day. We missed going outside and play with our friends at the green area. The rain was so heavy that we had to close our big windows by the balcony. Now, we just want to spend this special indoors and the activities we had were such great to see and experience.

 Table activities

In the morning, we had several activities prepared for us. The pupa that we were working on yesterday was at the table and this time, we painted on it using our hands and paintbrushes. We used brown and green all over the pupa and it was really nice to see the texture. The final touch was to put the golden glitters all over it and the effect was amazing. How we love to hang it in the classroom one day.

The two tables were filled with play dough activity and some puzzles that we were working on this week. The play dough got some tools that we used like rolling pin, plastic knives, ladle and man more.

The puzzles were so busy that we wanted to match and put the pictures together. Some of our friends stayed for a long time and tried to figure how to fix them gradually. In the end, with the little help from teachers, we were able to finish everything. Well done, Buds friends!

Happy birthday to our dear friends

It’s such a beautiful day indeed as we realized that today, our friends were celebrating birthdays in the classroom. R and K wore a special shirt with their names and ages on it. It was so adorable to see them on these shirt.

The class was ready to sing and dance for them as we all gathered around and ready to sing with everyone. Our birthday parents were on zoom and we projected the screen on the big wall. Everybody was so thrilled to see and they waved hello to them.

We sang our birthday song and we all jumped around with some of our favorite songs in the classroom. Our teachers also asked our birthday celebrants how old they are now. Re showed her shirt saying she’s two. Ke did the same and he said three. Jn is two years old and Br counted with his fingers and said he’s three. Well done, guys!  After that, we gave them our special card that our teachers wrote some messages on. Jn’s parents and her brother read a book that she loves. It was so adorable to see how engaged we were and listening to the story was just priceless. Thank you so much. Again, we would like to say happy birthday to our friens! We love you so much!

We also received some amazing gifts from our birthday friends. Thank you so much for the effort.

After our birthday celebration, we spent more time playing and doing a science experiment. This was E’s idea (K’s mom). It was really good as we all sat around and saw the reaction of the colors in the tray of milk. The procedure was quite easy you just need to dip the cotton bud in the detergent soap and then dip it in the tray with a color dye and milk. The reaction was like a rippling effect and we were so amazed by it.

Thank you so much and have a great day!

Lots of love,

All the children from Buds Class