Ohana Family Day!

                Thank You so much to all our Mommies and Daddies for joining today’s family day event. We had such a wonderful time seeing how much fun Flowers friends had with their parents. We are so grateful for your time and energy! A very big thank you to all of you! You are the CHAMPIONS!


                In the morning when we came in the classroom, we were so excited because we knew for sure that today was a special one. Today was our Family Day. We can’t wait to go to the park so put on extra effort to finish all our morning routines and tasks. Well, excitement was in the air from the very second, we came to Flowers.


                Before we headed to the park, we had a bit of time for our table morning activities.  Our clay heart pendants were ready for the beads. Some of us were so eager to finish their necklaces that they looked so serious while stringing beads. Some of us cut and painted butterflies, too! For free play, our hands (and brain!) were occupied as we created things with blocks, worked on puzzles and played card games with our friends.

                Then, it was time to go to the park! Yay! Just before we left, our teachers put some popsicle stcks in a cup with our name on it. Our teachers picked one stick at a time to make up two teams --- the red team and the blue team. Now, we were all set for our Family Day event!


                We started off with our warmup game which was the newspaper dance with our Mommy or Daddy.  We played lots of games that we enjoyed a lot, like pull the tape, sack race, catch me if you can and jump rope which was the most popular of all. Bravo! To all our Mommy’s and Daddy’s and our fellow flowers friends for doing their best. Well done, Flowers! We are all winners after all!

When we get back to school, we were so hungry and thirsty, we all got ready for our snack and lunch together. Just after our lunch time we had our short circle time together. We sang a Happy Birthday song for K and shared what we thought was the best part of the day:

K: I like playing with my Mommy and playing the jump rope.

A: I like playing with my friends and with K.

L: I like playing with Mommy, jump rope and K’s birthday. I also like A give me a present. I like hiding under the parachute.

U: I like doing skipping rope, running, and catching tapes with Dad’s.

C: I like taking tail from the Daddy’s, running around and Nimo catching us. I like jumping on the snake and K’s birthday.

M: I like K shared the mat with me. I like Mommy do the jump rope 10 times.

A: I love hiding the parachute. I love L share the mat with friends. We made like an island with the mat. Mommy likes the newspaper dance.

S: I like Mommy’s jump rope.

K: I like Nimo catching, K catch me and Mommy’s jump rope.

K: I like the skipping rope, snake jumping and all the games.

A: I like pulling the tape from Dad’s.

K: I like newspaper dance and playing with U. I like the parachute game.

K: I like hiding in the parachute.

For our quiet time we enjoyed drawing and copying a book, puzzles and crafts!

That’s all for today, enjoy the rest of the day!

See you all tomorrow!