The Lion's Life Cycle
One of our friends doing her painting during free- play time.
It was such a beautiful day today. We spent our morning painting and KAPLA. We had two art tables. One is for our end–of–the–year project art, and the other is for a free painting table. Some of us need to take more time to finish our end–of–the–year project.
Circle Time-Life Cycle of Lions
We had a mini teacher whose name is D. While we were waiting for Sayaka, teacher D took initiative and started circle time. “What is your name?” He sang and asked all of us. Thank you, mini teacher! Then, we talked about yesterday’s event that we had with our mommy and daddy. It was wonderful! A few friends shared our comments.
Z- I like freeze dance.
H- Dance game.
A- I like basketball running.
A-Running. I like running.
Since we’ve been learning about the butterfly’s life cycle, Sayaka decided to introduce the lion’s life cycle. Sayaka had a toy lion in her hand and asked us if we could tell if it’s mama lion or papa lion.
Z- Mama lion because... I think it's papa lion because it's got a mane. Mama lion doesn't look like that.
D– Papa lion.
· Baby lion is called a cub.
· Mommy and papa lion take care of the cubs.
· When the cub turns 11 months, they will start learning how to hunt.
· 5-6 years old lion is an adult lion and they start making their own family
· Lions stay in a group of lions called pride.
· Mama lion’s job is a big part of pride-they have to make sure they have food. After they hunt the animal, they share it with the pride.
· Papa lion’s job is to protect the pride.
Sayaka asked us, “What do they eat?” Here is our idea for the question.
S– Fish.
Z– Meat.
A– They eat animals. Dogs.
Z– Chicken and rabbit
D– Elephant.
S– Rabbit.
A– Elephant.
R-I don’t know.
R– Lion.
H– Bunny.
A– Leaves.
Sayaka told us that they eat animals such as horses, zebras, etc. She added that she has a mixed feeling about it because she likes horses and zebras. However, if lions don’t eat them, they can’t survive and that is their life cycle. Sayaka said this with her eyes wide open, “The lions must be so strong. They start hunting at 11 months and when they are 5-6 years old, they leave their family.” Hamish showed his muscle and said, “I am strong!” Then she asked him, “I know you are but can you say goodbye to your family soon?” H said, “No….but I am strong.” All animals have their own life cycle and it is different from others. It was an interesting learning moment today.
We didn’t want to miss the beautiful weather so we headed to the park just right after we finished today’s circle time.
P.S We put our idea together for Sayaka’s birthday. We “decorated” her with shiny decorations and sang her a birthday song. She said that she is 10years old. Hmmm….She also said that she is going to have a birthday cake this Friday. It sounds delicious!
Happy Petals 2020-2021