Ojiji the Clown



    The glittery paint that was used from yesterday’s activity gained so much admiration that we were given another activity involving it. With a huge spread of newspaper and lots of sheets of soft, filter paper… we brushed, mixed, smeared, squeezed, and swirled different colors of glittery glue on it. The sparkle effect that the glitter provides further enticed us to really get our hands into this activity.

     The soft filter paper and newspaper started to turn mushy as more of the liquid was applied to it. To add a bit more “edge” to this sensory activity, salt was added to the mixture. It was a sight to see when John first sprinkled salt onto the mixture. Seeing the white small particles slowly falling and the sound it made when it landed on the paper was a treat! It tickled our senses of hearing and sight! We also got to witness the blower being used to help dry up the mixture.

 Sketching the Clown’s Body

     How tall will the clown be? How big will it be? We have already worked on how its face looks like but how about the body? Together with our teachers, we sketched some ideas of how the body would look like. With a sample picture of a clown’s body as our guide, we scribbled on its hair, face, and outfit. Based on the sketches that we made, our clown would have lots of curves, swirls, and zigzags. Our sketches were carefully cut which we will add to the clown’s outfit next week!

Scribbling on Glass

     The past days, we have been scribbling and working with a lot of colorful mediums. These activities have been helping us develop and strengthen our fine motor skills by pulling & putting on marker caps and figuring out how to better position our fingers while using the marker. Using Posca markers also taught us to be more aware of cleanliness and control of its usage as its ink can go runny if we press on it too much.


     Extended Free Play means more opportunities to “freely” socialize amongst peers and be amazed with the things that we decide to engage on. It is often during this period that we find ourselves building better relationships with each other by learning how to communicate our thoughts and negotiating. Plus, it’s always fun to see how our collaborations pave way to being able to build massive structures with different types of blocks.

     Similar to yesterday’s Morning Roll Call, we greeted each other by identifying the person whom Erika described. This method of roll call aims to widen our vocabulary and listening comprehension.

      We are nearing the end of this school year which means our culminating carnival event is just around the corner! A review of the different concepts that we have tackled was done such as balancing objects on top of our heads and doing various acrobatic acts. Using the “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” song as our guide, we arranged our clown’s body and named it “Ojiji”!

                              We hope you had a lovely day!

                                    Love, Buds Class Children