All About Rain

            Our day was filled with sharing of lots of ideas! Flowers’ room rang with things such as “I already know that!”, “Nobody told me, but I know that thing!”, “I have a question because I want to know the answer!”, “I only listen to people’s conversations and I remember it!”. Perhaps by now, you already know how much we love learning new things with our friends and teachers. Please enjoy reading our sharing time below:

QUESTION OF THE DAY: Is rain blue?

            Of course, we know a lot about rain. We just had rainy days.

Vi: No, the rain is white.

Ki: No because rain is black. When it’s sleeping time, it’s kaminari.

Ke: Rain I think is transparent like the mirror.

Cr: Rain is transparent.

A: It’s the same like glass. We can see each other through like those things (screens).

Ki: Yes, the sound (sound it out).

V: Does rain make sounds?

A: Yes, rain says pata pata.

K: Pochi, pochi

C: (*clicked his tongue)

Ak: Pang! Because it goes one by one then 10 by 10. Inside our house, rain is like one by one (raindrop) but outside it’s 10 by 10.

Li: Pochi, pochi


Vieda: What happens when it rains?

Ke: The rain goes on to the floor and then inside the pipes.

Ch: The things will get wet.

Ak: The rain comes down then the plants will grow.

Ka: It will come to the car and make sounds.

Ak: It goes to the car and then bang! The up of the car is hard and the rain is soft so when it falls, it says pota! Big raindrops go on the top and small one goes to the street.



Vieda: Which one goes first?

K: Lightning because you can see it like water. My Mommy told me it will take your tummy!

Ad: Lightning will come down to the ground. The lightning can kill you. It can come down from the sky.

Ke: It can *poooon*! It can eat your belly button.

A: It will hit your whole body.

C: When you hide in the tree trunk, it will still hit you.

Ke: If you’re hiding at the tree trunk, it will still hit you. If you’re holding a golf stick, you can fall down because the thunder is stronger than the stick.

Ki: You will die if things fall dawn on you.

Vieda: What does lighting have?

Ka: Light?

Chr: Light power!
K: I want to be electrician. I can work with light.

Ai: Lights

K: (when shown a picture of lighting) It looks like roots!
C: The lightning is faster. If the thunder goes first. It means lightning is out.


 Ak: You hear the sounds you can hide in the blanket.

A: You can hide under your bed.

K: When I hear the sound, I don’t hide anywhere. I just look at the lightning.

Ki: In my Chiba home, it goes like this (*hands flashing*)

Ch: If you are in the car, if there’s lightning, will you die?

A: The lightning is stronger than the car so it will still kill you.

K: If you close the door then it’s fine, but if you open the window, they might still get you killed.

  Well, thank you for sharing your ideas. We hope to talk more about things we need to do to stay safe in thunderstorms tomorrow.


            Talking about rain, we are fascinated how it falls from the sky. And what a better way to learn about it than through an experiment!

 Materials needed: glass jar filled with water, shaving foam, food dye diluted in water and droppers.


(1) Put shaving cream on top of the jar.

(2) Using a dropper, squeeze in colored water and then put it on top of the water slowly.

(3) Watch what happens next!


We did the experiment by our small groups. It was great squeezing shaving cream out of the bottle, and we thought that it looked like a delicious ice cream float!


After the experiment, we shared our thoughts about it with our team.


K: The water gets red. Too much rain, the white one (shaving foam) is cloud. Rain is inside the clouds.

A: The rain gets down.

A: If you put too much shaving cream, you need to put a lot of water. The rain comes from the cloud. The water turns red, and the shaving cram turns pink. How it rains, first we put water and then we need the clouds if we keep the water in the clouds. Then if we put lots of water in the clouds then it will rain.

K: (Looked at the jar closely) Up is pink and down is yellow.

R: I see red!


K: Rain is dropping from the clouds because this is a lot of color.

K: I think I see red rain and a lot of rain is like doshaburi. The rain is heavier than the cloud.

Ak: The clouds drop the rain. The rain falls through the hole.

K: Red is coming from these holes?

K: Cloud is turning pink, red and white makes pink.

A: Red or pink?

K: Clouds look soft!

Ak: Like sponge

K: Like cotton candy.


Li: I have a question. Why is it that the foam is here and then the red water go though it and out of it? How does that happen?

Ki: Because it’s so heavy.

Ch: If the rain is just a little bit if there’s not too much on the foam, but if you put a lot then the cloud gets heavier,

and the rain will be a very lot of rain. If the rain is too heavy and too much, it can kill the children because the rain will be bigger than the children.

Ki: If we put too much rain in the foam, the rain goes out like that from the foam.

  We enjoyed our experiment that some of us did it more than one-time 😊 We hope we could do it at home, too! We are looking forward to learning about the water cycle and safety tips during thunderstorm tomorrow!

 See you all!

