Moth or Butterfly?


Free Play

 We had the Duplo blocks out in the morning and a bucket filled with water and… paper? What do we do with a bucket of water and paper? First we started tearing the paper and then we added different kinds of balls to it. Some of the balls were bouncy, some hard or plastic. Then we added a wooden spatula and a whisk to the bucket. We broke down the paper to where it was a little bit mushy, to the point where we didn’t really want to touch the water. Eww. We made orange soup and lemon soup with the ingredients we had in the bucket.

 Moth or Butterfly?

We gathered together to move our bodies a little bit before singing our good morning song. As we went around we asked each other their name and sang our own name when it was our turn.

Before starting the circle we looked at the flowers that we put in our test tube last week. Kai asked us if we see any difference or does it look the same. At first we thought it looked the same but S pointed out that the top is getting bigger!

We also looked at our caterpillar that we found last week. It actually disappeared on Monday and then we found it on the ground…. and it had changed color from green to brown. After we put it back in it’s home, the caterpillar dug in the soil. We wonder what’s happening to it.  

Yesterday, Pauline taught us about the four stages of the butterfly song. We sang it because it’s a catchy song and we really like it. Kai showed us the picture of the caterpillar and then asked us what the next stage was. It’s the one where we stood frozen like a chrysalis. Then he showed us two different kinds of chrysalis. One was on a tree and one was in the ground. After about 2 months, the caterpillar will come out and become a… moth? Or butterfly? We don’t know but we looked at pictures of the stages and took a vote. Z, L, A, D, R and H thinks it will be a moth. S, A, Y, R, S, A and A thinks it will be a butterfly. We have no idea the only thing we can do is wait...

 Special Park

Before going to the park Pauline read Who’s Bad and Who’s Good, Little Red Riding Hood?, the same story that Sayaka read yesterday. We loved it so much we wanted to hear it again!

We went to a new park on Tuesday and today we get to go to another new park! It was Robot Park! Many of our friends have been there before and guided the teachers there. It was so much fun going to a different park. The best part is we can make it there and back to school without any accidents!


Hope you had a wonderful day!

Love always,

Petals Class Children