Pipe Cleaner Lines


Colorful lines! Colorful lines! We love learning about lines today! Our morning setup was quite interesting because we had some amazing learning activities in store for us.

 Table Activities

The tables were busy with some new and challenging things we have prepared on the table.

Lines, crayons and markers

There was a long rolled up paper covering the entire table and we noticed that there were markers and crayons placed on a tray. We slowly approached the table after washing our hands and then scribbled with our hands as much as we can. We created lines, circles, shapes and figures. We loved saying Ampanman and  shapes such as circles, stars, hearts and half moons.

Sand, vines and paper playdough

On the other table, we got some sand, vines and play dough that we experimented with. It’s lovely to see how we used the cups and put some sand in them. When we tipped the sand out of the cup, they made amazing shapes. The vines were popular too and we touched and felt the texture and it’s always nice to feel the nature inside our classroom. It  gave us a nice feeling of understanding more of these materials.

Sustainable car

The special car we have in the classroom is always filled with children trying to explore what they could do with it. They brought out some drumsticks and started playing with the cardboard just like a pretend drum.

Life Books

We love looking at our Life books and see the pictures of our loved ones. We proudly showed our pictures and pointed our grandma’s and grandpa’s photos as well.

Circle Time

We gathered our friends together in one  circle while we did some movement exercises such as marching, bending our knees, jumping and turning around with our friends.

John also asked us individually to sit on his lap. He then helped move our arms and bodies just to experience various movements that we haven’t done in class. He shook our bodies from side-to-side and rotated our heads gently from one point to other. It was fun and at the same a good form of workout routine.

Making lines and shapes with pipe cleaners

For our special activity, we divided ourselves into two groups and they asked us to make different shapes with the pipe cleaners. We know that pipe cleaners can be a type of line and we made some straight and squiggly lines with it.

Egg shakers and musical movement

We also enjoyed using our egg shakers and moved around the classroom while singing to the song, “Shake your sillies out” and there was a new song that we also sang about making a line like a train.

Story time: Beautiful Oops by  Barney Saltzberg

What a great book about being creative and imaginative. Please have a look at this book as it teaches children to look at things differently.

Lots of love,

All the children from Buds class