How to Take Care of Others

The weather was really lovely today, so it was nice to have the chance to spend it in the temple, where there were lots of plants, trees, and pigeons. We enjoyed watching the pigeons land on the fallen leaves, making them fly away and scatter in whichever direction.

That’s it for Wednesday. The End.

Haha! Just kidding! The part about going to the temple was true-- but we did a whole more than that!

Like any typical morning, we start with our morning jobs. Once we’re finished, we’re free to choose what we want to play with. Today, each Petals Class teacher was busy with an activity. We helped Sayaka decorate our thankfulness wreath, and we helped Kai put some fairy lights- we told him that we want to put them inside our Candy House. After that, Kai turned off the classroom lights, and it looked amazing! On the other table, we helped Pauline finish our top secret winter presents-- and that is all we can say about that, sorry!

After packing away, we had our circle time. We practiced the song we were going to sing for our winter party, and we helped the teachers choose a special dance for the party. We can’t believe that our party will be soon! That’s why we’re also busy every day finishing presents and decorations we need to put up for the party. We can’t help but feel excited! But, before any of that, tomorrow will be our Thanksgiving celebration, which we will celebrate with……. Guess we’ll find out tomorrow!

For circle time, we also reviewed how we can take care of ourselves: by eating healthy food like meat, fruits, and vegetables.

“Lunch then chocolates,” R said.

“Lunch first then candy,” H said.

“Not every day,” H replied when Pauline asked if we can eat sweet treats every day. If we want to take care of our toys we use--

“Gentle hands,” L said. If we want to take care of books we use--

“Gentle hands,” H said. If we want to take care of other people, what do we do?

“Gentle hands,” H said. Yes, she was right. That, and… hugs!

Pauline read a book called “How About a Hug?” by Nancy Carlson. In the book, when we’re feeling like not going to school, or we got an ouchie, or we haven’t seen someone in the longest time, or we lost a game, or had a fight with someone, there is one thing that can make it all feel better- a HUG! Hugs are for good days- and bad days; it’s for anytime, anywhere. If we want to give them to our mommies, daddies, friends, grandma, grandpa, brother, sister- hugs are the way to go. Although for strangers it’s a different story. Strangers are people we don’t know- so we also don’t know if they want a hug. For example, we see a baby stranger and they’re so tiny and cute that we immediately want to give them a hug-- but their mommy doesn’t want anyone hugging their baby. We can ask nicely, “Is it okay if I can give a hug?” If they say yes, then it’s okay. If they say no, it’s okay and we need to use our listening ears and not give a hug.

“My mommy gives me a hug and then she says, ‘Come, let’s go home!’” R told Pauline with a big smile. After that, she gave Pauline a big hug. H saw what was happening and she gave both of them a hug. R and L saw them, and they jumped in on the hug. K did, too! It was a big group hug. It was nice and sweet-- aww!!!

We had our snacks, and then it was time to go to the park. But three friends namely A, K, and L had their turn to spend some time with our Flowers friends. The rest of us went to the temple to play. What beautiful weather-- what a beautiful day!

That, finally, concludes our Wednesday. The End.

How about you? How was your day?


All the merry little bunnies in Petals Class

Ohana International School