No, David!
What a beautiful day again in Buds class! We just enjoyed being with our friends and teachers. We were so ready for a great adventure. Today, we noticed that there was an extra table in the classroom. It was really great to see our friends how they became so familiar with our activities and morning jobs.
Table Activities
Playdough fun
Playdough was a popular spot for the children. Tamara was so patient in showing us how to use the cookie cutters. We had a fantastic time creating bears, butterflies, fish and many animal patterns that we could find. We also practiced flattening, making it round, rolling them to make it long. We love exploring and looking for figures that we could create with various materials.
Colorful Lights
We had some dot markers, paper strips and stamps on the second table. We got so curious and asked our teachers that we would like to do the activity. Hence, our teachers showed us that we needed to take the lid off and began making dots on the paper. We loved mixing the colors and create new patterns.
Silver Snowflakes
Liezel and Goh-san were at the table and helping our friends to make more artwork that we started doing with Erika. It was nice to see how we got so interested in feeling the texture of the glue while applying it on the strips of silver paper. We enjoyed making connections to what we were doing to the actual concept that we were learning. For example, one of friends said, “I am making snowflakes”.
Floor activities
We also enjoyed posing and taking photos with Liezel. We used the cushion slide and made lots of good poses. Our friends were so happy because they felt that they were like models of our class. The balcony was also busy with music because John was so kind to play songs with the ukulele.
Circle time
We all knew that everybody loves David. The “No, David” book was so popular, and we were all ears listening to this story. We also learned that David could be silly and did a lot of mess in his house. We all replied by saying, “No, David!”
Park Time
We went to the park and our friends were becoming more and more confident walking together with our friends. At Step Park, we saw Flowers Class children playing at the green area. We got some balls and played with our rope. Flowers Class children were also kind enough to help us out on how to play with the materials we brought to school. On the way back to Ohana, we saw an orange digger (excavator). We all wanted to stay and observe what they were building but the road was quite busy so we had to move along and return to school.
Thank you so much and have a great day!
Lots of love,
All the children from Buds Class