Petals Garden


Free Play

 We started the day by playing with puzzles, stickle bricks, leaf stencils, toy kitchen and reading with our teachers. At the puzzle station we were interested in using the characters as dramatic play as well as putting the puzzles together. This week was all about plants and since we didn’t find a lot of leaves on the ground and we shouldn’t pick them from the trees Pauline took out a leaf stencil for us to put paper on and rub with the crayons. While we were playing with the blocks we were also interested in what Sayaka was reading to our other friends so we gathered around her to listen.

 Short Circle

We made a circle all by ourselves after we cleaned up the activities. When Kai joined we made big and small circles, jumped up and down, kicked our feet, nodded our head, and shook our bodies. We sat down to sing our hello song. Then our attendance monitor counted the number of friends we had today. We went over what we’re going to do for the rest of the day, checked the weather and found our names on the whiteboard before getting ready to eat snack.

Free Play

 We saw Flowers and Buds class go to the park when we were walking down the stairs so that means the park will be busy. Instead of going to the park with tons of people we decided to go run around at the temple grounds where there is an ample amount of space. We played tag and some of us found a secret place behind the tree. We also played red light/ green light.

 Building Our Garden

 When we came in in the morning we realized the outside balcony looked different. There was artificial turf on one side of the balcony but the other side wasn’t completed yet. Kai brought us outside in two separate groups to look at the balcony and asked us:

What do you think we’re going to make here?

N: Plants

S: We’re going to make a garden.

Z: A Garden!

Kai: What do you want to put in your garden?

N: More plants. Strawberry plants so we can eat them.
S: Cucumber plants so you can eat and it's so yummy.
A: Big plant
N: How about rice plant?

Z: Long plants. Purple long plants. Flowers? Purple flowers


Now that we have an idea of what we wanted to do with our garden, we need to finish putting it together. We looked at the wooden tiles and pieced it together one by one. Our garden looks amazing! Can’t wait to see how it will turn out once we have plants in it. We would also love to play in the beautiful space that we help build!


It was an amazing day with lots of sunshine, exercise, building and fun. We couldn’t have asked for anything better to end this week. Hope you also enjoyed the day. Have a wonderful weekend!


Lots of Love,

Petals Class Children





Ohana International School