Matching Shapes


The shape song is always in our head and our teachers love to dance to it so some of our friends were so interested and started to learn how to dance to the song as well. 

It was a great morning as we entered the classroom with lots of love to share with our friends and teachers. We just enjoyed greeting everyone with a big good morning and to top it with a smile. We truly have a great atmosphere in the classroom and more of our friends are becoming engaged.

 Table Activities

Stencil Art with Shapes

Today was a busy day as we started our  activities with some stencil tracing from a cut-out cardboard box. We love using crayons and just drew inside the whole thing. It was a great experience for all of us to understand how these materials work. It was an experiment and our friends really showed interest in the classroom.

Light table with see-through blocks

Erika was so kind to help us out on the light table area as we tried to stack and build these materials all together. The effect of light was really engaging as we focused on making and building the blocks gradually.

Floor Activities

On the floor, we had some trains, cars and Noah’s ark wherein animals can be found inside. The stacking blocks were quite popular as well because we always want to create things and knock it off. The sound of things falling off could sometimes make us giggle and so we did for a few times.

Circle time

Before we started playing our good morning song, we did have a little bit of music and movement session with John.  We danced to our favorite songs in the classroom like Wheels on the Bus, Head, shoulders, knees and toes,  Walking, walking. Shelley was with us briefly dancing and playing. We love her energy in class.

After that, we all sat down and sang our good morning song. It was impressive to know that our friends are slowly becoming more and more familiar with our names. One of our friends even stood up with our Little Wang-Wang as they counted the whole class. We also sang a number song with actions and movements we could use and put together.

Then, the fun part began…John took out a big box filled with shapes and stencils that we used in the morning.

We noticed that the shapes were to be matched to the stencils and to be honest, it was so fascinating how we answered all of them correctly. We love matching activities and hope that we can have more activities like these.

Story time

I’ll wait Mr. Panda by Steve Antony

Today is Monday by Eric Carle

These are the storybooks we read with our friends today. It was nice to sing Today is Monday because the tune was quite catchy.  I’ll Wait Mr. Panda was a funny one but it also taught us how to be patient.


We were a bit early at the park today so we got to enjoy the green area for a longer period of time. It was cold but at the same time fun to be with everyone at the park.

Thank you so much Ohana for another beautiful day and see you all again tomorrow.

Lots of love,

All the children from Buds class


Ohana International School