Planning our Museum

Today we thought of a big project to do in our class, we had a big discussion about how we could turn our classroom into an Art Museum, each of us shared our thoughts and ideas during our circle time. We continue to explore more about art and use our imaginations to express ourselves through the activities we do everyday.


Circle Time:

We started off our circle time with our Question of the day, “Have you been to an Art Museum?” We had some friends who answered “Yes” so they shared their experiences when they visited a Museum.

Ke: Yes, some Museum I saw with friends in London, I was three, so I forgot what I saw. I went with Daddy and you can buy books there.

C: It had hundreds of arts, like an old human and an old year, you were not born yet. There were lots of restaurants, I counted with my eyes there were 30.

R: Yes… I forgot where!

M: I saw millions of arts then I eat. Then I go to the train.

A: I forgot.

Liezel: What is a Museum?

A: There are dinosaurs bones you can look at.

M: So many animals.

Ki: So many paintings.

Ka: So many pictures.

 For some of us who have not been in the Museum Liezel showed us a picture of how a Museum look like. Each of us had a turn to look at the picture. A museum is place or a building were there are lots of artistic and historical objects inside, our friends who have been to a Museum were right.

Liezel: What can you see in the picture?

L: Some house.

M: I also saw a house too.

U: I saw pictures.

Liezel: Do you think we can go to a Museum?

Ke: My Mommy say no.

M: You can only go with Mommy and Daddy.

L: No because there is Coronavirus.

L was right it is not safe for us to go to the Museum this time, instead we can do something different in our classroom.

Liezel: Can we turn our classroom into a Museum? How can we turn our classroom into a Museum?

Then all of us said a big YES to the idea of having a museum in our classroom. All of the art we did this week  was so much fun and a lot of hardwork! We were all thrilled to put them up to show them to everyone, but the question was how?

Ka: We make art.

M: We need a magic wand like a princess.

Ke: We can draw on paper and stick it on the wall. Maybe we can draw on the wall.

C: We all draw and stick it on the wall, with double sided tape.

Liezel: What other artwork can we make?

Kt: We can stick them on the wall and get more and more to make a Museum.

Ke: We draw so many pictures put it on the wall and putting in art.

A: We make lots and hang or tape it and make a big Museum.

Just then, we remembered Y’s question on our wonder wall yesterday. She asked why should art be beautiful? What do you think?

L: If it is not beautiful, a lot of people won’t like it.

Ke: We can make it colorful.

Liezel: Can we all work together?
Ak: We can do zoom and show to mom and dad.

Ke: Because somebody come here, they cannot look that side. Someone needs to hold the computer

Christopher: Maybe we can have a camera and take pictures all over the world.

We all agreed that from tomorrow we can work more on putting all our artworks together and start working on our display.

K: First draw and make a gallery then a Museum.

Ki: Make beautiful paint.

Y: We make lots of things and hang it in the garden and put everything we made.

Ke: Maybe we can draw on the whiteboard because it’s already stuck.

M: Someone come to Museum.

Ka: We can make rainbow hearts.

L: What name do you want to call our Museum?

M: Pikachu.

Ke: Ohana Museum.

C: Dinosaur Ohana Museum.

Ak: Ohana International Museum Party.

Ka: Princess Museum Party.

Y: Ohana International Flowers Class Museum.

Ky: Kimetsu no Yaiba.



Morning Activities and Free Play:

We are all busy working on different activities that our teachers prepared for us today. There are different choices of crafts, card game, painting, puzzles, and pin punching at the table. U and Kn made circles in different colors out of strips of colored paper. U made a comment when she saw the circle art that we made yesterday, ”the circles look like a planet and some of the dots look like a star”. Ke and Ai glued some circles to add on to our circle art that we did yesterday. Y, Ka, M and L spent time in doing pin punching, this activity helped us develop our fine motor skills. It also helped us work on our pencil grip when writing. One of the activities on the tables were a card game with some pictures on them. The game was called “What’s Wrong?”, in this game we needed to find what is wrong in the pictures.

Here’s what we found:

Ke: A lady brushing her hair with a floor brush.

R: A lady driving a car on the water.

K: A girl digging soil using upside down shovel.

L: A lady walking in the ocean.

A: Upside down streetlight.

U: Clothes drying inside the oven.

Ad: A banana phone.


Park Time:

We headed to step park after our snack time, as usual we played our favorite tag game with our friends and teachers. It was cold but sunny so, we did not mind being outside today! We enjoyed playing with some friends from Buds and Petals class. We love playing together and chasing each other so much, it was a lot of fun being with our friends.

That’s all we did today! What a wonderful Wednesday it was! Hope you also had a beautiful time too!

Ohana International School