Flower Planting Day

Early Park-Flower Planting

Here comes another cold day again. It’s very cold outside but when we came inside the classroom, we felt warm so we were going to take off our jackets. But then our teachers told us that we don’t have to take the jackets off. It didn't take long to find out the reason why we can keep our jackets on because we were going to have early park for flower planting. Off we go! Shelley came with us and helped us plant. We dug the soil and mixed it with the fertilizer. Then our teachers helped us to place the plant in the soil. We used gentle hands to place it in the hole and cover it with the soil. Here are the pictures of what we did!


 Luckily we had some time to run around in the park. When we were back to school, we were hungry and ready for snack time.

 Hugs Make Me Happy!

After snacks we gathered for circle time. We started today’s circle time by singing our morning greeting song. Then Sayaka asked us about planting today. She asked us if we liked or not. Most of us liked it and shared about our observations.

Sayaka: What did you like Simen?

S: The flowers in the soil

Sayaka: How did you feel when you touched the soil?

S: It was soft. It smells like rice crackers

A: I like the color. Purple flowers

Z: I like it so much

Sayaka: What part did you like?

Z: I like digging the soil

Sayaka: What does it smell like?

Z: Smells like cookie

L: I like the wet

Sayaka: Watering the plants?

L: Yes!

Sayaka: What flower did you like? 

L: The red

S: What’s the smell, L- chan?

L: Like apple

R: The planting!

Sayaka: What did you like about it?

R: Beautiful!

Sayaka: Azuto, did you like it?

A: Yes!

R: I like the flower

H: I like putting the plants inside the hole. The soil was very soft.

We reviewed about the things the flower needs to grow. S said, “Water, soil, air, and the sun!” It was also what we learnt yesterday.

Sayaka showed one of books she had on her hands and it was about flowers. She explained that there are some names for the parts of the flowers such as pistil, sepals, and petals. “Petals?” she emphasized on it. We also wondered, “Petals?” We all looked at the picture of the flower’s photo. Then she told us that one part of the flowers is called petals which is our class name. “Isn’t it interesting?” Sayaka asked us. “We are in Petals class and this is also called petals” “We are in Petals class!” we repeated proudly to her. After that she read the other book about hugs, “How About A Hug?” By Nancy Carlson. The book tells us that there are many situations and occasions to give a hug to people. It can be a morning hug, good bye hug, “I’m sorry” hug, great job hug, great to see you hug, and of course “I love you” hug! Z said, “ I do hug to my family” We like hugs because it makes people feel good! Sayaka said that giving a hug can be an expression of love and care. She added that we can’t really give a hug right now because of naughty germs. So, instead of that we can do elbow touch! We gave an elbow touch to our friends who were next to us. It made us smile and feel happy! After that we had lunch time.


Thank you very much for today and see you all tomorrow.


Happy Petals 2020-2021


Ohana International School