Shapes in Motion


Shapes, shapes...oh we love shapes!

Turn around and clap our hands, oh we love shapes!

It’s such a wonderful day again and the start of the week was pretty amazing as we have new activities prepared on the tables and a gym lesson waiting for us today. We couldn’t hide our excitement as we tried to understand what’s happening in class.

 Table Activities

As we all know, table activities are one of the most important things that we do in Buds class. We always wanted to explore what were prepared and how we could work it out with our tiny hands. Today, the sand and oat shape discovery was quite interesting because we always had a chance to use our fingers together with some spatula on how to dig and see what was underneath the sand and oats. We finally discovered that there were some cut-out shapes in silver that were like hidden treasures in the tray. It was quite surprising how some of our friends knew what they were and showed it  to our teachers what shapes they found. The looks on their faces said a lot of how proud they were.

There was a big piece of paper on the table. There were also some rollers and sponges that we could dip in the tray with blue and red paint. It was great to see how some of our Buds friends knew what to do even though there weren’t any instructions given by the teachers. The beauty of this project is that we always want our artwork as free-flowing and use their biggest imagination in creating masterpieces in the classroom.  We patiently waited for our turn as we tried to make more and more patterns and some of us were a bit hesitant to do the activities because we just needed time to explore and observe how the others are doing.

Floor activities

The cushion slides were also popular today. We always love to explore it with our feet and hands as we climbed up and down. Of course, we had to do it  as carefully as it can be  because we always want to be safe and organized. It was lovely to see how we could develop our physical coordination slowly but surely.

There were also some musical instruments that we tried to play some music with our friends and teachers. It was fantastic to see how we could play cool rhythm with everyone.

The kitchen station was filled with book. Sometime, our teachers have been wondering why the books were missing from the shelf. Only they found out, the books were in the kitchen area and our friends have been putting and hiding them there.

Gym class

Today was also a special day because we have our gym class. But wait, it was not Tsurumi-sensei nor Miyashita-sensei but rather it was John-sensei! We were surprised that we thought that John could only play the guitar but he could also be a gym class teachers. We did our morning warm-up routine, tried to stretch our bodies, moved our feet and turned around.
In the end, we also did some animal actions and did this as we moved from one end of the classroom to the other.

Lastly, we did the slide and balance beam obstacle course. It was great to see that some of our friends especially the older ones already knew what to do. It was something that made the other children do the activity with confidence as well. Well done for a fabulous gym class!

Shapes and movement choreography

In the background, our teachers were practicing a song with some dance moves. We’re also excited to learn this song and move to it. Indeed, we could move like shapes as we watched our teachers do their moves!

Park  time

It is always nice to explore outside and have a fresh air! We held onto the rope as we tried to walk slowly and carefully with our friends. On the way back, it was another challenge for all of us because of the incoming cars, trucks and motorcycles. We had to stop here and there so we could all be safe.

Story time

Today, I will fly by Mo Willems

This is an awesome and funny book by Mo Willems. It was something we always want to hear when it was time for us to cool down from the park. This hilarious book made us giggle as our teachers read along!


Thank you so much and have a great day!

Lots of love,

Buds Class


Ohana International School