Workbench Project

Happy Friday Everyone! Hope our mommies and daddies had an exciting day just like we did! While doing our morning jobs, we thought about our question of the day, “Can we build art?”. To get us thinking, our teachers prepared wooden blocks for us to free build and we also had small rocks to use for our buildings. We let our imaginations run wild and tried to use the materials available, to bring our ideas to life. Some of us worked together and some of us worked alone, Vieda took lots of pictures and notes about what we made. After we packed everything away we gathered into a circle to sing our Good Morning song so we could say our names and help A remember our names. We also sang the, How Are You Today song, and everyone said they were happy and excited today! Nimo told us we have a big project we need to get done today. Aa asked, “What is project?”, K raised his hand and said, “A project is like a job”. In order to secure enough time for our important job. With no time to waste, we quickly had our snacks then went to the park.

Once we got back to class we changed into our indoor gear and while we were changing and washing hands, our teachers were busy getting the classroom busy for the project. In the center of our room stood our workbench from our balcony. When we took a closer look at the workbench we noticed it was getting very old. Having an old workbench isn’t a very safe place to use our tools like saws and hammers so it was time to say good-bye. But instead of just throwing it away, our teachers wanted to take it apart and keep the parts to use for a different project. Nimo handed out tools to our friends and pointed at some places that needed unscrewing. We all worked together and as soon as we finished our task at hand, we were so eager to help we would ask Nimo for another task we could do. With our amazing teamwork, the bench was reduced to planks in no time! We sorted out the wood and kept some that still could be used. We also sorted out the nails and screws by size and placed them in containers. The ones that couldn’t be used, we tied them up with rope and took them outside for the recycle people to take. After everything was packed away and cleaned, Nimo asked us how we felt taking apart the workbench with the tools. Everyone said they had fun doing it! Maybe we can use the wood scraps from today and build a work of art!

The temperature is going up and down like a roller coaster this weekend, please take care and have a lovely weekend!

PS. We are taking home a special bookmark for our extra special daddies! Hope you like them!


Ohana International School