What's in the Pond?



Free Play

Yesterday we talked about numbers involving money and today during free play we had lots of different currencies to play with. Some of us might of even bought ice cream with Pauline. We also made marvelous statues with the blocks which balanced by itself. On the other side of the room we wrote Japanese calligraphy with Sayaka that said, “ushi” or ox in Japanese to celebrate the new year. We also sat down with Kai as we looked though our life books and drew pictures of our dads.

 We sang our good morning song and found our name on the wall before having snack time.

Pond Time

We knew we were going to go to the pond so we started saying that there might be crocodiles in the pond. Do you think there will be crocodiles in the pond? While we walked to our local pond near Ohana we kept talking about crocodiles. When we arrived at the pond there were no crocodiles! We came to the pond because we wanted to collect some specimens so we can take it back to Petals Class. The project will unfold itself in the future but it has something to do with sustainability. We hope we got some good specimens!

Circle Time

We came back from the pond and our jar that we just collected was on the floor. We were curious about it so Kai asked us some questions.

Where did we get it from?
Zayna– Pond!

Can you see anything inside?
Hamish– There are some leaves inside.
Zayna– Mud
Simen– Leaves and sticks and water

What are some thing that you might not be able to see?
Hamish– Mud because it's all black. The bottom of the stick
Simen– We can't see the mud because it's all black

Do you think there is anything living inside like bugs?
Hamish- I think we captured some worms
Yuto– Bugs, big bugs
Augustas– This one (points at something floating in the jar)
Sana– Sakana (fish)
Rimi– Obake... Kowai! (Ghost...Scary!)


Right now we can’t see anything so we’ll have to see what happens to the jar tomorrow!


It’ll be interesting to see where this experiment goes. Hope you all had a wonderful day!



Petals Class Children




Ohana International School