Do You Like Broccoli?
Morning Activity and Free Play
We continued to work on our special cards today. They are special because we made them for our grandparents to show our love for them. We cut out heart shapes in different colors and wrote a love message in it, too! We then painted our hand using blue and pink paint and stamped our hand prints on the cards. It was fun but a little bit ticklish when our teachers painted our hands. We cannot wait to take them home for grandma and grandpa! For free play, we had fun working on a peg activity where we used our fingers to pinch each peg as we clipped it on the socks. It was a great way to help strengthen our hands and at the same had fun while doing it. We made our own obento or lunchbox from cut- out food pictures, too. We had the opportunity to decide what to put in our lunchbox. So, we picked the food that we really like to eat and glued them on a white construction paper. What a yummy obento we made! It was great to be able to ask our friends what food they like while working at the table.
Park Time
It was cloudy today, so we decided to go out to the park before the rain. We played ball game with everybody, including teachers. We did lots of running around at the green area trying to chase the ball. It was so much fun playing, and before we knew it, it was already time to go back to school.
Question of the day; (Do you like broccoli?)
We are glad that most of our friends like broccoli. Ke counted how many friends said Yes (10) while Ad helped us write the number on the white board. U helped us count how many friends said No (3), while Li helped us write the number.
Circle Time
We started our circle time by reading a story about “Lunchbox the Story of Your Food” by Chris Butterworth. Liezel asked everyone, “What can you see on the book?”. All of us answered, “It’s food!”
Ch added,” We made our own lunchbox this morning.”
Liezel: Where do you think your food come from?
Kei: One time, I went to ichigo hori (strawberry picking). I’m 4 and I ate ichigo. I have it in Chiba my hatake (farm).
Me: I go to mikan gari (orange picking).
Ke: From the food company.
Liezel: How did your sandwich get in your lunchbox?
Am: Mommy and Daddy put it in for you.
Me: From the cooking man.
Am: This man (baker) makes it and put it in Mommy’s hand.
Liezel: How did the cheese in your sandwich get in your lunchbox?
Me: Because Daei, then Daddy and Mommy put it in my lunchbox.
Am: The cheese comes from people who made it with their hands, then Daddy and Mommy put it in my lunchbox.
Ke: Maybe there is a special machine that makes it. You put some water and cheese in it, then the machine makes it to become yellow.
Liezel: How did your tomatoes get in your lunchbox?
Ke: I am going to this one (farm) in Chiba.
Ka: I went tomato picking.
Liezel: How did your apple juice get in your lunchbox?
Me: Lie down like this (inside lunchbox).
Liezel: How did your carrots get in your lunchbox?
Me: From the farmer.
Liezel: How did the chocolate chip in your biscuits get into your lunchbox?
Ke: Sometimes I eat it at home, we are not allowed to eat cookie here. When I see the sandwich, it makes me hungry.
Liezel: Why do we need food to eat?
Ke: If you don’t eat, you will get a headache and you will fall down.
Ka: If you don’t eat, you will die.
Li: No eat, you will fall then die.
Ke: No eat, you go smaller then you will die.
Am: We need to stay healthy, and without eating you’re not going to be healthy. If you don’t eat you will get sick.
Ad: If nobody let us eat food, then we will not feel well, then you will need more food.
Me: If you don’t eat food, you will get hungry.
Yu: if you don’t eat food, you won’t get energy.
Ke: If you’re greedy to eat too much food, then you’ll get stomachache. Eating too much is like crazy.
We asked our friends Li and Yu to show us their lunchbox that their Mommy made for them. Yu showed everyone what she had. Her lunchbox had cheese, broccoli, tamago and rice. Liezel then asked her, “Do you like what Mommy prepared for you?” she answered “Yes”. Then came Li”s turn to share hers as well. She had rice, kombu, cucumber, and Hello Kitty kamaboko. She also said that she loves to eat Mommy’s lunch every day. Liezel then asked, “If there is something that you don’t like to eat in your lunch box, what will you do?” Li quickly answered, “Eat it. If you don’t eat it, you won’t know the taste. So, try to eat.” Ke added, “One time, I don’t like tamago but when I try, I like it. So yummy!”. We are so impressed at how our friends encouraged each other so they can eat everything that is served before them. We discussed that there might be certain food that we may not like. However, we agreed that it is always good to at least try a bite or two!
Since we were talking about food, most of us felt hungry so much that we could not wait for our lunch time!
We are so proud at how well all of us ate our lunches today! Good job, everyone! Lunch made our tummies incredibly happy! Happy tummy meant happy and full of energy children!
What a wonderful Wednesday we had in Flowers! See you all again tomorrow!
Flowers Children