The Petals Class Rules


Free Play Fun

Good morning! When we came into our classroom, we had toy animals laid out and were happy to play with it. Some of us still wanted to play with the doctor kit again. “I’m a doctor” Z said and showed the toy stethoscope. K also had it and said, “Me too. I’m a doctor, too.” H, Z, and E had some toy animals on the shelf that we have in the middle of class. Z and K saw one of the animals fall down and said, “I’m an animals’ doctor.” They checked up on the toy squirrel and said, “They don’t have ouchy.” Z enjoyed a lot today as well. When her teacher fixed her hair, she said, “You have beautiful and long hair.” Then Z told her, “No, I have long and nice hair.” So, she added that Z had long, beautiful, and nice hair. N was still exploring Petals class. She is very nice to her friend and enjoyed playing with them. E was a very curious girl. She also wants to know what her teachers are doing.

Since some of petals were doing toilet-training, the teachers ask us to go to toilet many times. S asked H if he went to toilet. He said that he went but noting came out. But, it will come one day, he added. The teacher said, “I hope it’ll come today.” He told her, “Not today. It will come another day.” (after that it came, yay!) A few children are still wearing diapers but they also went to the toilet. 

After we enjoyed morning exploring the classroom, we packed away our toys for snack time. Sayaka asked who would like to volunteer for snack leaders. K and A volunteered for us. A was excited about his snack. When he found out that he had fish cracker, he said, “Wow!” and showed it to his teacher. K was the first one who finished snack. He remembered his job from last year, he packed away the snack container by himself. While he was waiting for other’s to finish, he read a book in the tent. When his teacher asked him about summer break, he said that he had fun.

Circle time-Petals class rules.

After snack time, we gathered again for today’s circle time. We got started with morning greeting song. After  that Sayaka asked us to look at Petals class rules: #1 I respect you, you respect me. #2 Gentle hands. Gentle sounds. #3 Marshmallow feet. Walking Feet. #4 Listening ears, hear, hear, hear. Looking eyes, see see see. #5  Be sunny Little bunnies. She started asking us if we know what respect means. It was a bit tricky question...So, she gave us examples to understand it better. When someone is talking to us, we should use our listening ears. When we want to talk or share ideas, we raise our hands. As one of our class rules, using gentle hands shows us respect. For #3 K demonstrated what his walking feet are. Then Sayaka added that if we don’t use waking feet in the class, we might get ouchy and nobody want to have the accident. Lastly, she told us that being Petals class is going to be so much fun. Even though it’s hard to say goodbye to mommy or daddy, we should try our best to enjoy the day! Ok! We will remember our rules. After that we still have a little time so we decided to do freeze dance. It was a first time to do freeze game for some of us. But, we actually did a great job! L and S followed the rules and focused on very well. S had a lovely conversation with his teacher today. He was wondering what his teacher was doing. He asked, “What are you doing honey. Stop doing that honey. Then his teacher explained that she was actually helping him. Then she also said, “I am actually helping you honey.” S replied, “I am not your honey, why you call me honey?” she just laughed and he also laughed.

Thank you for today and see you all again tomorrow!


Petals 2020-2021