I am Special!

We started off our circle time with our question of the day. It was such a wonderful opportunity to hear what each child thinks about things.  With one simple question, our children become so engaged in the discussion.  We are excited to more lively talks with the whole class!

Today’s question of the day was, “Do you want to be a giant?”.

YES ( Six friends) Here are some of their thoughts:

Me: Because I don’t want to be a Mommy. Mommies are big.

Ak: I help Grandma and Grandpa and A and H are getting bigger. Mommy and Daddy change to Grandpa and Grandma.

 NO (Eight friends)

 Ka: I don’t like giants because they are scary.

Ke: When I grow up, I will bump my head to the ceiling.

K:: I don’t like, too because they break house. I look it at tv.

 A happily volunteered to count the total number for us, and he quickly said, “It’s 14!”. After our question of the day, some of our friends wanted to share the story behind their name.

Ch: Daddy wrote all the names on the whiteboard and I chose Ch.

Yu: In Japanese, it’s MUSUBU. It’s like me and Kano (held hands with Ka) together like this. That’s my name.

Am: I was named after a person called Am At.

 How beautiful! That is how special we all are. Our names are special and so are all the wonderful and unique things that we can do. We took turns in showing what we can do. For a moment, Flowers class looked like a talent show! Some of the special things that we can do are drawing a heart, jumping high, doing cartwheel and somersault, and hopping. Way to go everyone!

 It is such a great feeling to be special. We are special and so are you!! We hope that your day was as wonderful as ours!

Love,  Flowers Class