Welcome to Ohana International School


Good day everyone! Wow! Time really flies and now, it is time to go back to school. We welcomed the new children with open arms and ready  for  a great day. Of course, transition period is always a bit challenging but the fascinating thing about today was that we did  a fantastic  job keeping ourselves busy with the toys and musical instruments we had in the classroom.

As we started our morning, our teachers took our temperature and washed our hands straight away. After that, we noticed the wonderful things prepared for us today. The light table was busy with Lego blocks (colorful and see-through ones) and we also had some puzzle pieces on the other table. It was a lovely sight to see how our children can be so curious and just explored what they could do with it. Some of our friends became very imaginative and found a way to include the toy trains with the puzzles. We’ve experimented making a long train track and put  some  puzzle pieces on top (which they looked like trains too). From there, we all played with the trains and made the  special sound that the train makes when  they pass by. Chooo! Chooo!

Shelley was also here in the morning to help us out with the transition and one thing that  we really liked was giving us paintbrushes and bowls. We pretended that we were painting on the walls and on our skins.

Today was a room full of music! We played with the piano and  guitar. Singing some traditional songs like “Twinkle, twinkle little star”, “Wheels on the bus”, “If you’re happy and you know it” and “BINGO” song. The children calmed down and realized  the smooth atmosphere we  have in Buds. It was a great first day experience for all  of us. Good job, Buds!

After our free play time, we packed away all our toys and  some of our older friends from Summer school knew what  to do. They helped the teachers as much as they could and it was such an amazing sight to see how proactive  they can be in helping the teachers.

For our circle time, we gathered around and sang our good morning song. It was nice to see that some of our friends were familiar with this song and we’re slowly learning all of our friends’ and teachers’ names. We also played with our Teddy Bear in Buds classroom. We have counted our fingers and did some actions with our arms. We rolled our arms, wiggled our fingers and shook our hands all together.

We had our snacks and enjoyed our meals with our friends. While  waiting for our parents, we read a book from Eric Carle, “Polar bear, polar bear, what do you hear?”

Thank you so much for today. Our Buds friends really enjoyed singing and playing with one another. See you all again tomorrow!

Lots of love,

All the children from Buds Class