Bubble play with our hands


It’s another beautiful day in Buds class again. We are listening to our children’s voices and we’re beginning to understand that we are all settling in very quickly. Most of our friends were very helpful in cleaning and packing the toys and it’s always a fascinating sight to see how each and everyone is growing and blossoming because of how we interact and socialize together as a class.

During our morning free play, we had to continue scribbling and drawing art for our first day drawing. We noticed that some of our friends are beginning to understand the importance of the pencil grip. Of course, the younger children have their own way of scribbling but the amazing thing was they knew how to mix colors and create something more vibrant and stunning.

In the other side of the room, we had our Mega Lego blocks that we could manipulate and create some little construction. Today, we made a jeep, a car, a building and a boat. Our friends can get very creative in making various structures that everyone enjoys to play with.

Moko-sensei was here to play with us today. She loves to play taiko because she is a taiko teacher and she teaches children from different international schools here in Tokyo. When we were singing songs, she always created many different rhythm  that made our songs very cool to sing.

We also read a book about “We’re going on a bear hunt” and we’re quite happy to see the facial expressions of our friends because they were anticipating to see the  bear in the book. In the end, when they saw the bear, they showed a big surprise on their faces. The family who were looking for the bear were so quick to go back home and we even made a sound with our hands as if it was like  a music background in a movie.

The song that we learned today was “One Little Finger”. This is also a great way to  identify our body parts and to understand ourselves more. We were all singing happily and then the bear joined in the fun and sang with us too.

Lastly, we also used our “hands” to pop the bubbles that our teachers created for us. With our tiny fingers, we chased after the bubbles and popped as many as we could. Our teachers were quite impressed because we were able to pop many bubbles up in the air. It is also a good way of showing off our tracking skills. Well done, Buds friends!

Lots of love,

All the children from Buds class