Tackling Practice

         It’s not raining and it’s not so hot, sounds like the perfect recipe for a fun park day! We greeted our friends and teachers with an energetic, “Good morning!” and took care of our morning routine of washing hands and putting our temperature chart on the table. In the play area we had plastic cubes and a game called “Pallina” We didn’t quite understand the rules of the game, but it was alright because we just used the sticks and balls to do our very own imaginative play. Our free play time was short this morning because we were going to have our special snacks first thing in the morning. We showed each other what we packed and enjoyed snacking with our friends. Once we were finished eating, we got ready for the park. We had a short singing time together and we marched onwards to the park.

Luckily for us the green area was completely empty! We had the whole area to run around and play freeze tag. Nimo was “it” and when he tagged us we needed to freeze in place, but if one of our friends crawled in between our legs we were unfrozen and could run again. Whenever our friends got caught and frozen we would all work together to find a way to unfreeze them. Even though the sun wasn’t out and it wasn’t so hot, we were extremely sweaty from all the running and moving we were doing. We made sure to take frequent water breaks to keep us from getting dehydrated.

After a long, fun time at Step Park, we lifted our heavy feet to head back to school. Many of our friends were saying, “I’m so tired”, ‘ I’m exhausted!” while they were doing their best to walk. Can’t blame them, they have been running for almost a whole hour! Once we got back to school we took a quick break and it seemed like that was enough to fully recharge us. The activities and games Nimo played with us yesterday was super popular, and everyone wanted to have another go at it. Our teachers  decided to have a review of yesterday and play the games we did yesterday, needless to say, our friends were very happy to hear that.

We briefly talked about what we did yesterday and taught A, who wasn’t here yesterday, how to tackle. We went over how to play safe and Nimo prepared the mat for the game. We took turns charging into the mat one by one then we decided to mix it up a little bit. Nimo remembered what A suggested yesterday, “Maybe you can have a friend on your side to help you?” Our friends were very curious to feel what it’s like on the other side, so alongside Nimo we supported the mat and our friends came to tackle the mat. The impact was very surprising and thrilling! Our friends expressions were priceless, they seemed to have really enjoyed it! After each of our Flowers friends had a chance to experience the  receiving side, we played one last game until it was time for lunch. We paired up with a buddy and we used our shoulders to try and push the mat as far as we could, however Nimo wouldn’t let us move the mat so easily. He was like a stone wall and we all had to use every part of our body to make the mat budge. We enjoyed the challenge and we were determined to topple the mat. We formed teams and communicated with each other to find a way we could get that wall to move. By the time we were done with all the games we were totally burnt out with no more energy left in us. We had our lunch and took a break in our library.

We had a great time with our sports week! We always love being active so this topic for the week seemed perfect! Our last week is going to a very relaxing and soothing one as we will be heading off to the beaches to soak up some sun!

Have a lovely weekend everyone and we will see you again next week!


Flowers 2020