Take Me Out to the Yakyu


Take me out to the ball game, take me out to the crowds!

Buy me some peanuts and cracker jack , I don’t care if I never get back.

Let me root, root, root for the home team!

If they don’t win it’s a shame.

For it’s one, two, three strikes, you’re out! At the old ball game

<Medal Making>

    Anything shiny and sparkly always catches our attention! The moment we came inside the room, we saw shiny gold paper on one of the tables and immediately asked, “Can I do this?” without even knowing first what it was for.

     We were each given a round cardboard which we needed to wrap around with gold paper. Our fingers got to work when we started to use the tape to put the gold paper in place. After wrapping, we used letter stickers that spelled out our names for our personalized medals. Having name tags guided us in spelling our names. We were so proud of the medals we made that we requested to wear it the whole time!

<Baseball Artwork>

    During Free Play period, Erika read to us the book “Good Night, Los Angeles” by Adam Gamble.  In the book, we saw a lot of summer activities and sports  that the people in Los Angeles do such as skateboarding, rollerblading, surfing, and hiking. We want to try out these activities when we grow bigger and turn a bit more older with our family and friends!

     A part of the story showed the many different sports team that Los Angeles is proud of and one of it was its baseball team called “Los Angeles Angels”. But what’s that strange glove that the players are wearing? Erika said we’ll find out during Circle Time. We shifted our focus on the type of ball that they used. We learned that each ball sport uses a different type of ball. For baseball, it’s usually in the color white with  long and short red lines.

    With a white circle paper cut out, we traced the two long curve lines on it using a red marker. We then dipped our pointing finger  in red paint and stamped it to create the “stitches” design of the ball. Our older friends assisted our younger friends in tracing and stamping. Good teamwork!

<Ballet Class and Earthquake Drill>

     The heavy downpour of rain means more fun indoor activities! We had Maryna to teach us ballet and we had a blast dancing to some of our favorite tunes such as “Baby Shark”. After ballet class, we heard an alarm which meant that there was an earthquake! We all calmly went under the table and waited for our teachers’ instructions that it was safe to head out of the room, wore our protective head gear and waited for the entire Ohana community to come out.

<Take Me Out to the Yakyu>

     After singing our “Good Morning” song, Erika read us a story entitled “Take Me Out to the Yakyu” which told the story about a little boy who went to see baseball games both in America and in Japan. It was interesting to see the differences and similarities of how the game goes in each country.

     We also had the chance to wear an actual  baseball mitt and used it to play catch & throw with Chiaki. Just like in the story, we got to bring home some souvenirs from the game by bringing home our baseball and medal art works!

Love, Buds Class Children