All About Soccer

We can still vividly remember our story time about baseball yesterday. As we shared all the interesting facts about the pitcher, catcher and batter, we noticed that some of our friends came in jersey shirts and athlete’s uniform. They proudly  stood in front of the class and talked about what they were wearing.


S: This is aikido shirt and pants. Aikido is like karate. Osu! (with a pose!).

J: This is Kawasaki shirt. This is for soccer.

Ar: It’s for sports.

A: It says J (pointing at the back of J’s shirt).

Wi: This is Norway Salmon shirt. It’s from Norway. It’s for soccer. It’s quite a big shirt and we are going back to Norway soon!
R: This is a soccer shirt. It has a #9 and I don’t know what this says. (Peru)

Te: I also have a soccer shirt. It’s from Doitsu or Germany.

E: My Mom’s favorite country is Germany.  She loves aromac. It’s her favorite.

Be: I have soccer pants and this is Red Sox baseball shirt.

W: That’s cool!

Ke: I have yakyu shirt at home, but K is in Japanese.

                As we were talking about yakyu or baseball, A and Ar said that they missed the story because they were not at school yesterday. Since we love the story so much, we told Vieda that we did not mind reading it one more time!

When we got to the page where it showed many people cheering, we remember that we made pompoms. Some of our friends were so thrilled as they showed us how to use the pompoms for cheering!

Mystery Bag

Vieda brought out a bag and she passed it around for us to guess what was inside of it. We touched it and tried to look through the bag to see if we could get some clues.

T: I think it’s your uniform.

E: It’s your Japanese horn.

W: Is it your Show and Tell? Maybe a goodie bag?

Ke: Everybody’s present? Or maybe shoes?

J: It’s hard!

W: I see some red.

R: It’s your water bottle.

A: It’s red. I can see from the side it is red.

An: I think it is a horn.

Yu: A bell?

S: Maybe it’s a rock.

After everyone had a turn to guess, Vieda took out the mystery item….TADA!

   We tried touching the black dots on the bottom of these special shoes. As a class, we had a little brainstorming as to why these shoes have these black dots.

Ar: This part of the shoe (spikes or studs) is there so you don’t fall off.

Wi: This is a bit squishy (top part of the shoe).

R This is for when it rains so you don’t fall off.

T: We have spikes so that we can kick the ball easily.

W: If you go out in the rain with them, you won’t get wet and even it gets wet, it dries quickly.

Wow, it is amazing how those spikes or studs have a very important role for soccer or football players.. It is great to know that not only that soccer has its own equipment, it also has its special name.. These special shoes are called soccer cleats..