Going in "depth" about sea creatures

Wild about Deep Sea Creatures!


       Rain, rain, go away, come again another day, little Petals want to play, rain, rain, go away~ We sang as we had our morning free play time. We had so much fun yesterday at the park and we were hoping to do it again today, but the weather doesn’t look like it’s going to clear up in time.

We started our morning with a fun sensory art activity! Our teachers prepared a cup full of sand, glue, and a sheet of paper. We first used a spoon, or our hands, and spread out the glue and made a design on the paper. The glue was transparent so we didnt really see anything yet. We then sprinkled the sand on the paper and the sand would stick on the glue and made our design come out! It was fun playing with the sticky glue and the smooth sand!

We had some more singing time with Nimo! Unfortunately, Nimo is going to Flowers for the last two weeks of summer school so this is the last time we will get to do songs and dancing with him. At least that’s what he explained to us, but everyone thought he was joking. Let’s find out the truth on Monday!

We continued our discussion from yesterday about our sea creatures, for some of our friends that couldn't come yesterday, we did a quick review about lungs and gills. Our word for the day is H2O, which is another name for water. We had a silly game today where no one was allowed to say the word, “water” instead we had to say H2O. If we were thirsty we had to get our H2O bottle and drink the H20 inside. The reason Nimo talked about H2O was to explain how there actually is oxygen in the water and that’s how gill breathing works. H is for Hydrogen and O is for oxygen. We didn’t get too indepth about chemistry, but we did briefly talk about the O for oxygen.

We then took a dive down to the darkest part of the ocean and saw some pictures of the weird creatures that dwell there. Like the Angler who has a light on his head. Because it is so dark some creatures evolved and turned their skin  transparent to make it harder for other creatures to spot them and eat them. One of the mysterious figures we saw was the Sea Angel. A took a look at the picture and said, “That fish looks kind of creepy”. When the skin is transparent and you can see all the insides it definitely does look creepy, we imagined what it would be like if all of our friends skins were transparent and we can see the brain, blood, and stomach…. Didn’t sound so pleasant. We also saw a picture of a Nautilus, one of the oldest living creatures on the planet. They have been living on earth for 500 million years… 50000000… it’s hard to comprehend how big that number is, but our teachers were very astonished to hear how long its been existing for.  We know Dinosaurs were a long time ago, but Dinosaurs were only about 200 million years ago. So the Nautilus has been here for 300 million years before the dinos.

We played some music games and it was already time for lunch. We had so much fun talking about our ocean animals! We are excited for another week of discoveries again on Monday! Have a lovely weekend and see you all again!

