The Rainbow Fish


The rain was drizzling when Buds friends arrived to school yet they seemed to very excited to have an another wonderful day with their friends and teachers! <Matching Game> Matching game makes us feel proud when we get to complete it be-cause it builds up our self-esteem. For morning table activity, teachers set up a new type of matching game. There were themed cards with sil-houettes on it and we needed to match the silhouette and small toys, such as insects, sea creatures, snowman. Since we have been talking about the ocean this week, the ocean themed card was popular card to match with the small toys. Every time, friends found the sea creatures, they showed them to the teachers and said the name of sea creatures. <Making Ocean> Yesterday, Buds friends painted the green with sponges and today, the stuck cellophane on the paper with glue. A teacher was on the table Rainbow Fish July 15, 2020 all the time to help them to get enough glue to stick the cellophane to the paper and made sure everyone take turn to get glue from glue box. As they stuck the cellophane more and more, the paper became very colourful and looks like coral were dancing under the sea. <Music Time> When Buds friends packed away all the toys, John asked everyone to come near him for his wonderful music time. He kindly asked them which song they would like to sing and they requested their all the time favourite song, “Baby Shark” and “You are my sunshine” <Rainbow Fish> After snack time, everyone gathered again for circle time. First, they sang “Good morning song” with a big drum and then, “Five little monkeys and crocodile” song and pretended to be a quiet and a little bit scary crocodile. After that, Chiaki asked colour of the ocean and one of the friends said, “Blue!” Chiaki showed a blue felt and stuck it on a board and the board became a special ocean. Then, she asked, “What do you see on the ocean?” and many friends replied “Fish!” She said, “That’s right!” and showed a lot of felt fish and gave one fish to each Buds friends. She also showed a rainbow fish and put on the special ocean and had a felt story about The Rainbow Fish. Rainbow fish had beautiful colourful scales, but he did not want to share it to other fish even though they asked nicely to Rainbow fish. Therefore, even though rainbow fish wanted to have friends, other fish did not want to be his friends. One day, an octopus give an advise to Rainbow fish that if he shares his scales to other fish, they will become his friends. Rainbow fish nodded his head and he started to swim the ocean again. While he was swimming the ocean, he realized Buds friends have fish. So that, he asked each Buds friends if they want to have a scale and become his friend, everyone said, “Yes” to him and Rainbow fish shared his scales to Buds friends. In the end, they walked around together in the classroom as if they were swimming nicely together. After the circle time, everyone lined up and washed hands gently. When they set up their lunch and water bottle on the table, they sang lunch time song and ate yummy yummy lunch. Have a wonderful day!

Love, Buds Class