Stories Around the Bonfire


“Once there was an old lady with long red hair living inside a big, dark castle in the middle of the forest. She didn’t like people going near her place and preferred being alone. Then one day, the Buds Class children were on a camping trip in the forest. Using the binoculars that they made, they saw from afar the tall towers of the old lady’s castle. The Buds Class children were intrigued and decided to pay the old lady a visit. The old lady was first hesitant to show herself to the Buds Class children, but they showed her kindness & love by helping her get down from her castle and giving her hugs.”

An original story made by the Buds Summer Class Kids 2020


Cutting Flames for Bonfire

     Large sheets of red, yellow, and orange paper were on the table. We were asked what we were reminded of when we see these colors… flowers! Yes, what else? It’s something that is hot can cause you to have burn if you get too close to it. .. “HOT FIRE!” With the help of a flame template, we practiced our cutting skills and were able to cut out 2 red flames and 2 orange flames.

Fishing in the Pond

“ What’s the blue cloth with little sea animals on top of it doing in the middle of the room?”

     Beautiful lakes and ponds are usually seen when one goes to a camping trip to the forest and we had our very own right inside our room! We took turns in using the fishing rod to catch some fresh sea creatures. Some of us even thought of cooking the fresh catch we caught and served it nicely on a plate!

Sing-a-long Story Telling

      One of our favorites from last week’s jungle theme was singing to “Walking in the Jungle” while Erika reads us a book wherein animals pop out. Now that we are more familiar with the song, we all sang the lyrics of the song loud and clear. We also know what the words “backward” and “forward” means! Listening to the story got us prepared for our upcoming camping trip in the forest.


We played an interesting game while singing our “Good Morning” song. We decided to see who can say “Good Morning” the longest without pausing. Erika lasted 13 seconds while John was able to do 30 seconds! H & S was able to last 15 seconds while M & N took 12 seconds. It was fun to hear how our voices started to change as we tried to hold our breath to be able to do the challenge.

     After everyone had a try in giving their best shot in the game, Erika gave us some colorful pompoms. It was soft and fluffy! It reminded us of rainbows and unicorns! We were asked to do several tasks with it such as counting, forming a straight line with it and holding it up in the air with both our hands.

     The last task was to help Erika tape the pompoms to a pipe cleaner. What a strange task… we wonder what we were going to do with it.

After having our snacks, our teachers surprised us with a bonfire that was made out of the branches, twigs, and paper flames that we have been working on earlier this week. We sat around the bonfire and decided to come up with our own Sing-A-Long story.

     Our Sing-A-Long story had a happy ending with the old lady giving each Buds Class kid her special rainbow balls on-a-stick because we showed her love & kindness by helping & giving her hugs. We roasted our rainbow balls on the fire and pretended that it was too salty! After we have “eaten” our rainbow balls on-a-stick, John played his guitar for us to sing & dance around the bonfire.

     What a wonderful way to end our “Going Wild About Camping” theme this week with a bonfire and getting to make up our own story together with our friends & teachers.

Love,                                         Buds Class Children