Making our special Binoculars!

July 9th 2020

Let’s have a look with binoculars

 Morning Fun
Good morning everyone! Today is the fourth day of Wild About Camping week. In the morning, we had stickle bricks to play with. “5 more minutes.” Our teachers reminded us a bit earlier than usual. Sayaka told us that we will have Maryna’s dance class today! How wonderful! We cleaned up our toys to get ready for her dance time. Since, Mr. Sunshine doesn’t look like he’s going to come say hi to us today, we are lucky to have some ballet time!

Making our own binoculars.

After we had a great exercise time with Maryna, we were hungry so we had snack time. We found a mystery basket. There was a blue blanket on the basket. L and K asked Sayaka, “What is it?” Sayaka was whispering to them and said, “It must be an animal…!!” L and K laughed and said, “Naaaaaa!” Then Sayaka showed her pair of binoculars she made with toilet paper rolls. She said, “I need to look carefully.” They asked her to use it and looked inside the basket. R and A were also curious what was inside. L took the blue blanket and looked inside….”It’s just toilet rolls!!” Hahaha, Sayaka was being very silly. After everyone finished their snacks and gathered for circle time. Sayaka started introducing today’s activity. She passed us two toilet rolls and told us we were going to make binoculars. A told us excitedly that she has her own binoculars at home. She said, “When I use it, I can see things bigger. I can also see that small.” “Yes, that’s exactly how we use it”, Sayaka said. She told us that having binoculars will help us to find or look something. It will help to increase the size of the things you need to see. Making our binoculars sounded like great fun! Sayaka asked us to color on the toilet rolls first, and we can put color cellophane. As soon as we made them, we started walking around and enjoyed seeing the colors through binoculars. Then Sayaka suggested we go to the balcony in the office. At the balcony we saw flowers, leaves, and even  the sky. We’ve been to the balcony before and seen the flowers there, but this time we had our special colored binoculars with us to see the flowers and the sky in a different color!


Who’s the bug under the rug?

We had a great time up in the balcony exploring the familiar scenery in new light. We came back to our classroom and Sayaka let us choose if we wanted to take our binoculars home today, or leave it at school to play with them again tomorrow. We put our spectacles aside for now and Sayaka prepared a fun game for us to play, which was “Who’s the Bug under the Rug” Our friends seemed to really love playing this game because when Sayaka asked, “Who wants to go first?” Everyone raised their hand. Luckily we had enough time for each of us to have a turn at the game! It was so much fun! Just like that, it was already time for lunch!

Thank you for the wonderful day and see you all again tomorrow!
Happy petals 2020