The holiday spirit is here!

We had a fabulous time making crafts to decorate our classroom in preparation for our winter holiday show. In the morning we had different activities at the tables, we made our own Christmas lanterns, Snowflakes, and Christmas wreaths. For the lanterns, we each chose a color and decorated it using sparkles, pompoms, tinsels, and stickers. Our teachers helped us stuck them using the hot glue. Liezel showed us a picture of the Christmas lantern, they called it “Parol” it is a symbol of Filipino Christmas. Filipinos are known to have the longest Christmas celebration in the world. These Parols can be seen as early as the first day of September all the way in January.  Parol give a unique vibe to homes and along the streets throughout the Christmas season.

 We also made snowflakes in different sizes and shapes. We had a white square paper and fold it three times until it becomes a small triangle, Liezel then drew some shapes on it for us to cut. Using our own scissors, we gently cut along the lines and made a beautiful snowflake. We were mesmerized to see our own little creation and we couldn’t wait to show it to everyone. On Vieda’s table we made Christmas wreaths. First, we glued wood chips and acorns, our teachers took our photos and will put our pictures in it and hang it in our classroom.


We only have three more days before our actual winter holiday show, again we did our rehearsals in the morning. Our teachers were so proud of us using our singing voices, we can’t wait to show our moms and dads! Each time before we start our practice we remind each other on how we can do our best,

K: We need to use singing voices!

Ke: Teacher will be the music conductor

C: You can dance if you want but don’t jump

Ka: Don’t skip

L: Don’t talk to your friend

Y- When somebody is talking don’t talk.


We can never complete our day without going outside, today was a nice weather for us to run around the park and play together. Our park leaders A and L made sure that everyone is following our guidelines for park time. Good job A and L!


Liezel read us a story about The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats, while listening to the story we wanted to share our own experiences in the snow just like the boy in the book.

Liezel: Do you like snow?

A: I like to play snow and I like to play snowballs and I like jumping in a whole pile of snow.

K: I like snow because, I like to play snowman and I want to eat snow. One time I played snow and the snow went to my Daddy’s face.

Ak: Because I like to eat snow and I like snow throwing.

Ke: Because I want to make a big circle snow and roll it along the street. I want to make snowman and snow castle.

L: I want to eat strawberry with snow.

Y: I want to do everything with snow. In my grandpa’s house I played with tsururu it’s pointy and triangle. I put it in my grandpa’s car.

Ka: Because I like to eat snow and I like to hide in the snow.

C: I like snow because, we can build everything like dinosaur, insect, rocket and space thing, snowman, and many things that are funny.

Liezel: Where do you think the snow comes from?

Ka: In the sky.

Ad /C: In the clouds.

Ke: When the sun and the snow do rock, paper, scissor then if the snow wins then it will snow. And when the sun and the rain do rock, paper, scissor, when the rain wins it will rain.

K: First, the sun comes out then it sunny, then so, so cold and Christmas day comes then it snow, when it is rainy day comes the rain.


We watched a video about how the snowflakes form and we learned that snowflakes begin to form when an extremely cold water droplet freezes onto a pollen or dust particle in the sky. These create an ice crystal. As the ice crystal falls to the ground water vapor freezes onto the primary crystal and building new crystal and the snowflake hexagon shape was born.

Liezel: How do you think the snowflakes form?

Ke: when the dust comes to the snow, then if more comes attached the snow, it will make snowflakes and it makes in low temperature.

A: When water and dust connect it makes it frozen and then make a snowflake.

Liezel: Do snowflakes have the same shape?

K: No! snowflakes no same one. And so many shapes like diamonds, house shapes and one has so many shapes but not the same one. The circle one is only same shape.


After a fun discussion about the snowflakes we were starting to feel very hungry. We had so much to do, we skipped our snack today. We gobbled up our lunches and if we had room we ate our snacks too. We had book time, then quiet drawing time as usual. For our after school class today Vieda did some music activities with us and the we did some numeracy!


Tomorrow is our last rehearsal day, then Friday is the big day! Rest well everyone for we have another busy day ahead of us! Have a lovely evening and see you all again tomorrow!






Ohana International School