Two More Days Until Our Party


Morning Free Play

We actually have a small group of children in Petals class today. K was the first one who came into the classroom. While he was doing his morning job, K arrived. They noticed that there were washed blocks from yesterday at the back of the classroom. Our teachers let them dry after they were cleaned. They were wondering if the blocks are for playing or we can choose something else. Our teacher asked them, “Could you please pack away?” K and K said, “Okay!” they not only packed away but also, they sorted the blocks by color in the box. After they packed away, we got to choose the toys to play with. “Toy animals? Cars?” Our teachers asked and we said, “Blocks!” “Blocks, again?” our teachers laughed. Then, they let us to play with Duplo blocks. We had craft table with Kai and it was for our winter party decoration. While some of us were having craft time, the other friends had a storytime with Pauline. After that we had snack time and headed to the park. We all missed our Petals friends but we had some quality time with our teachers and friends.


 What is Hanukkah? 

After we came from the park, we gathered in the circle. Firstly, we practiced our Hanukkah song. While we were singing, we drew the light for each of the candles. After that Sayaka asked us who celebrates Hanukkah. Most of us said that we do Christmas but not Hanukkah. Then Sayaka asked us if we know about Hanukkah. We all looked at the candles we drew. We know the Hanukkah song but don’t really know about it yet. Sayaka told us that Shelley will be coming to Petals and tell us more about Hanukkah because she celebrates it. She added that it will start on December 10th this year. She then asked, “Why don’t we think about questions that we would like to ask her tomorrow?”

K: You have toy? (Do you have any toys for Hanukkah?)

K: We say Merry Christmas! (Do you say Merry Christmas for Hanukkah?)
K: Food. (What do you eat for Hanukkah?)
L: Present? (Do you get presents?)

Z: I can show my costume. Do you have costume?

 We can’t wait to ask Shelley these questions tomorrow and learn more about Hanukkah.

 Just before having lunchtime, we told “Santa” (We believe that Santa always listens and watches us.) what’s our request for this year….

 K: Christmas is Daddy and Mommy give Lego- Harry Potter Lego. Santa Claus is my present is Malfoy Lego.

K: Santa! I want a dinosaur robot!

K: Santa... I want blocks, please!

L: Santa! Lego, please!

Z: I want a reindeer. A real one.

 It’s getting colder and colder every day but we are getting very excited for the winter party! I hope we can see more friends tomorrow and on our winter party as well!

Thank you very much for today and see you all tomorrow.



Happy Petals 2020-2021


Ohana International School