We will Miss you, Moko-sensei!


Starting our day with a smile

We entered our classroom with a big smile on our faces and as we saw our teachers greeting us warmly, we realized that their smiles also brighten up our day in Buds. We just love having these special moments with our friends and teachers.

Free play time

Today, we had the cushion slides in the play area. There were some amazing ideas that our friends had together. Some of our friends were like dancing before going up and down the slide and others were going down the slide on their tummy. 

 On our small table, there were some kinetic sand, cups, spoons and forks. We loved the texture of the sand and we kept on pouring and transferring these particles from one cup to another. It was such an amazing experience for all of us! However, our teachers were so patient in cleaning everything up because it was inevitable to spill some soil on the table and floor. 

Table Activities

We had our lacing activity on one table. There were some laces and trays of plastic figures with punched holes in them. It was great to see how interested we were, and our fingers and hands were really working together as we always wanted to use them with materials that we could explore every single day!

Snowman and Snowflake Art

Our friends were also quite glad to see some white paint on the table. There were also some pom-poms in various sizes because we all wanted to see the effect of stamping pom-poms with paint on the blue paper. The result was obviously so amazing because we have created beautiful patterns and shade! 

Last day for Moko-sensei in Buds Class

Moko-sensei is such an important person in Buds class every Thursday. Despite her busy schedule, she comes to school and plays with us. Her jolly attitude and unbe energy really made our Buds class experience more meaningful. Today, we sang songs that she loves to sing with us. We even gave her a high five and hugs. Her heart was full today and our hearts are always jumping with joy every time we see her smile! Thank you so much Moko-sensei for the wonderful things you have done for Buds class. Please come and visit us whenever you have the time. We will be waiting for you every day. See you around!

Park Time

Before going to the park, we talked about what we were wearing today. We figured out that we were wearing white cardigan, shirt, socks and shoes.  Also, today we painted with white paint which made our learning experience more consolidated. We also read a book called, “I like me!” before we ended our circle time. We ate our snacks and then went off to the park. 

At the park, we enjoyed running and chasing after Moko-sensei! You can really see our joy in our class and this wonderful day just gave us more reason to be thankful for this special time we have with one another. It was a wonderful day indeed!

Thank you so much Ohana! See you all again tomorrow as we end the week with lots of smiles!

Lots of love,

All the children from Buds Class 

Ohana International School