Farewell my Friend!

It was very cold this morning, but the skies started to clear up and Mr. Sun made the air much warmer. Our friends came for another day of school and we were going to make it exceptionally fun for our dearest friend A. As we all know, today is the last day at Ohana for our humorous and radiant little flower, A. The last thing we wanted was to make this special bittersweet day a sad one, we wanted to make sure all of our friends were smiling and having fun while we bid our farewells.

Our morning kicked off with a pleasant surprise! We were having our free play and craft time as usual and as we were packing everything away, we heard the sound of bells jingling in the distance. Shelley the Reindeer brought a very special guest today to flowers class! “Ho ho ho!” sang the jolly man with a large tummy, red and white clothes, and a great white beard. We instantly recognized him and everyone shouted, “It’s Santa!”. We welcomed Santa to our class and had him sit down on a chair. He asked us if we were naughty or nice this year and our teachers told Santa that we have been very nice and extremely helpful! We handed Santa our wishlist we made this week and Santa had to go because he has so many children he has to go see!


Right after our surprise guest left Flowers class our teachers quickly got the classroom together for our main event of the day, A’s Farewell party. On screen we saw Amelia’s mom and dad and we greeted them, “Good morning!” We sang our Hello Song together and we all shared our names and even asked Amelia’s mom and dad to tell us their names. We asked A how she felt, “I’m sad that I am leaving the people that I love here. I’m also happy because I’m going to see the people I love in Australia! I can’t wait to swim in the pool!”. Each of our friends had a turn to say something to A.

K: I hope you will be good

U: I love you A

Ki: I will miss you in Australia

Ka: I will miss you

Ak: I will miss you A

Ku: Thank you A

Y: I’ll miss you

Our teachers took turns saying their good byes to A, mom and dad. We sang “Home Among The Gum Trees” together with A’s family then A handed out special Origami books to each of us as a farewell gift.


We sang our good bye song and closed our zoom session, since it was A’s last day our teachers asked A what she would like to do today. A instantly replied, “I want to do music!”, with that being said everyone quickly gathered into a circle and sang some songs together. Nimo then started playing Highway Number One which is easily one of our favorites! Our teachers prepared some musical games to play, but before we played our games, we needed to do our winter holiday rehearsal. We all know that if we use our listening ears and good singing voices, we can finish our rehearsal early, which means we will have more time to play games with our friends! We all worked together to carry out the rehearsal as smoothly as possible. We got through our practice for the day and A said she wanted to play freeze dance with her friends. So that’s exactly what we did! We danced the day away, together with the friends we love.

For our afternoon session today, Vieda did some Japanese with us, we learned about the Japanese alphabets, “Hiragana”. We played a game together and we finished up our class early so we could go outside to say one last good bye to our dearest A. We all waved to them as they departed for the next chapter in their lives. We wish them all the best and we are looking forward to seeing them again someday! Thank you A, mom, and dad for a beautiful 3 years!





Ohana International School