Outdoor Adventure and Show and Tell #2



Morning Free Play

“It’s getting cold!” “Look my jacket.” It’s been freezing cold so we all had jackets on. Some of them wanted to show it and said, “My jacket is nice!” K made a dreamcatcher with Sayaka. Some of us enjoyed doing face puzzle with Pauline at the other table. The back of the classroom was like a mini jungle. A lined up lots of animals and said, “Look!” and showed it to us and our teachers. We had a fun time with Kai, too. He read the animal book for us.

The Adventure and Park Time

“Oh….” Our teachers said, when we got at the Step Park. Flowers class was still playing there. “We can’t play there now...Well...Shall we go for an adventure?” We nodded our heads and started walking for our adventure. Simen was wondering and asked, “Are we going to Disneyland?” “Disneyland sounds great!” Pauline replied. Sayaka said, “Going to Disneyland by foot? Oh no!” When the vehicle passed by us A was always so excited and told us, “A taxi!” “Ohhhh BIIIIG truck.” “Car! Car!” After we took a walk a little while, E asked teachers, “Can I go back to Step Park now?” They laughed and asked us if we’d like to go back and check if we can use the green area now. We all answered, “Yes, yes, YES!” Luckily it was empty at the park when we went back. We just ran, ran, and ran. There was the red shiny ball left at the green area and some of us enjoyed kicking and chasing it.


Show and Tell-K

Now we know, it’s not lunch time yet. We all sat down in the circle. Sayaka asked us to take our life books from the basket. We always enjoy looking at our life books. Then Sayaka asked K and K if they are ready for Show and Tell. Ki told her that he wants to do it today and K told her that he wants to do it next time. Ken sat on the special chair, showed his life book, and said, “This is my life book.” This is how he started his Show and Tell.


(He opened his first page) “This is baby K”
(He showed next page) “This is happy K”
(Sayaka pointed out K’s sister) “This is my sister”
(He looked at the picture of his baby brother) “This is my baby brother”
(Sayaka asked him, “What are you doing in this photo?”) “I'm feeding the animal”
(He showed the photos of his mommy and himself) She's my mommy.
S looked at the photo of Kenji playing on the slide. He raised his hand and asked, “This a big slide or small slide?”
K answered, “This is the small slide.” Then S replied back him, “Smile slide? It has to be the big slide! Haha.”
(K looked the photo of himself eating ice cream)  “I like ice cream!”


K asked us if we have questions for him.
Kai  “What's your brother's name?”
K “S!”
Pauline “What is your big sister's name?”
K “I don't know…”
Kai    “What do you call her when you want to play?”
K  “Come here please!”


As he ended his Show& Tell, he showed his favorite page to us. His favorite was on his birthday when he was turning two.


After that we all said thank you to K. Sayaka also asked all of us if we want to show our favorite page. We wanted show it but actually we couldn't choose one because we have so many favorite pages! Then Sayaka suggested to tell her more about our favorite pages next time!


What’s the time now? “Lunch time!” After that we were getting ready for our yumyum time.


















Thank you very much for today and see you all tomorrow.



Happy Petals 2020-2021


Ohana International School