Pink Day






The Pink Square

     “If you feel loved and you know it, blow a kiss! If you feel loved and you know it, give a hug!” Those were the new words we used to sing one of our favorite songs.

     It’s the second day of the month and we are feeling all the warmth despite the cold weather because of the love that we feel inside our cozy class room. We were welcomed with a big pink square mat with various pink colored objects on top of it. On it were pink scarves, pastel colored wooden blocks, pink colored bells and egg shakers. Everyone is welcomed to stay and play on the PINK Square. There were a lot of collaborative play that happened. With collaborative play, come the times that we may get into conflicts with each other. With our teachers’ guidance, we learned how to take turns, respect each other’s feelings, and give each other a hug after resolving the issue. At the end of the day, we all will and still love each other!

     Together with Nanako, we did imaginative play using the pastel colored community wooden blocks. Together with Goh San, some of us did some stretches on top of the pink yoga mat.

     Cardboard Hearts & Lots of Pink Items

     They say that “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend” but in our case, our little ladies’ best friends are each other and anything in the color PINK! It was mostly the little ladies of the class who came and stayed on this table to finish decorating the hearts.

     One of the activities that we did was pasting a variety of small pink colored items (beads, buttons, feathers, flowers, cellophane & paper cut outs) on cardboard hearts. Our hands too were full of pink colored items as some of us really enjoy brushing paste on out hands.

      Santa Claus Paper Ball Making

     It’s already December and Santa Claus’ gift factory is starting to go on full swing in the Buds room! Although Santa Claus will not be able to come visit us due to the current situation, we still want to help him by doing our part in making Christmas gifts that we “might” be receiving on our Winter party next Friday. We all better get on the “Good Children” list! Together with John, we taped white cotton around the paper ball and pasted googly eyes on it.      

 Trimming Our Christmas Tree

     Remember yesterday’s activity of painting stacks of newspaper in the color green? Well, our special tree which celebrated Sports Day and Halloween with us the past few months is going to have a major makeover just in time for the holidays! Our teachers covered and layered the green newspaper on top of our “naked” tree trunk. Our little fingers got to get some exercise as we “trimmed” and “snipped” the “leaves”. Our eye-hand coordination was also put to work as we had to be aware of what we were cutting and make sure that our scissors were positioned in a way that will keep our fingers and friends safe. Stay tuned to what our Buds Christmas tree would look like in the days to come!

      Pink Ladies’ House

     Our “pink” ladies “built” their own cozy little house by arranging the indoor obstacle course around them. Inside their “house”, they chatted and laughed together, cooked meals together, and even invited other friends to come join in the fun.


The center of the first part of our Circle Time this morning was the PINK square. We were asked to do jumping jacks, squat & jumps, kick our legs up high, twist our bodies from side to side and run around it. Whew! That was a good way to warm us up in this cold weather. We then sang our “Good Morning” song and counted how many fingers we had on each of our hand. Some of us even counted up until 20!

     According to the forecast, there’s a big chance of rain during down during our allotted park time, so we decided to stay indoors instead. But no worries, we still had a lot activities to keep our bodies and minds active.

     The second part of our Circle Time was held after our Snack Time. When Erika brought out the pink hearts that we made during Free Play period, a lot of us shouted our names to say that we did those. There were big and small hearts… can you count how many small children and big adults were present today?

     Each of us were given a heart… even our teachers! This is to show how much we love and care for each other.

 Since today was PINK day, we all presented the pink colored object that we brought in today. Most of us wore pink colored clothing while some of us brought a pink paper crane origami and a pink handbag!

     Our teachers brought their share of pink items too! Erika brought her pink running jacket, Nanako brought a pair of pink rubber gloves, Goh San brought a pink scarf which she wore like a bracelet and John… he didn’t have any item in the color pink but good thing our friend Chop Chop the Dog had him covered. Chop Chop knew that today was PINK day and wore a pink ribbon hairclip and gave a spare one for John to wear.

     Based on the story “The Color Monster”, pink is the color for the feeling of being loved. We know that it’s important to love one another but how about the things around us? We show our love to our books & toys by cleaning, packing away, and using our gentle hands when we use it. But uh oh, Erika found one book entitled “I Like Me” by Nancy Carlson  which cover was broken. We have to be more careful next time!

   We hope today was a day full of love for you too!

                                       Love, Buds Class Children




Ohana International School