A Thing Called Vaccine

It is a terrific Tuesday morning as we started our drawing our wishes to Santa. It did not take us a long time to think what to draw. In fact, the challenging part was to decide which wish to draw! Well, just thinking about our wishes made us feel excited and we started to share our plans for the holidays and Christmas with our friends.  After our drawing, we tried our best to write words to describe what our wishes are. We hope that “Santa” will be able to decipher our message!


As we did not have any calendar helpers, we requested Yu and Ka to do it for us and they happily agreed! As they were fixing our calendar,

Vieda: I wonder what is the date today?

Ke: Oh, date is so so good! My date is not in Flowers. Her name is M. Date is so so good because we can go to the park or eating or play date coming to my house, or doing I love you. I have so many play dates boy and girl. I can go sleepover for date too.

Ak: Date is good because we can go out or play and run.

Ad: I never do date. A date is only when you go outside. It is only girl and boy; you eat outside and then go home.

Ke: Sometimes John and Pauline like family, is doing date too.

 Yes, families and friends whether we are boy or girl can go out on a date or play date! Amazing, how the same word could mean different things! Vieda said that a date can be a time where friends spend time together, and it can also mean the month, day and the year.


Book: How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon by Jane Yolen

 We love story time! Before we went ahead of the storybook, we looked at the book cover and shared what we thought what the book is all about.

Ad: It think it’s the dinosaur going to the doctor.

Am: Dino does not want to have an appointment at the doctors.

Ke: Dragon or dinosaur does not like it.

Ki: Dinosaur does not want to go to the doctor.

Ak: Dinosaur does not want to get a shot.

Ka: Dino doesn’t want to go to the hospital.

 As we were reading the story, we came across a scenario where Dinosaur had to be dragged to the doctor by his mother. We looked at the picture and we had different feelings about it. Does our mom or dad need to drag us to the doctor?

Ad: Well, actually I’ve never been to the doctor.

Ki: My mom takes me and we go up the stairs.

Am: Mom holds my hand, and she doesn’t need to drag me.
Ka: I did not want to go so I hold on to the wall and Mommy picked me up and I cry. I don’t like the vaccine.

Ad: I want to taste one (vaccine).

Ak: When I go to get vaccine, I do that. I open my mouth and doctor put light in it.

Vieda: Why do you think the doctor does that?

Ak: Because corona virus is coming.

Ka: Doctors do it to see inside the body.

Kei: I said no to vaccine, and mom said, “Go!” and I am shouting, and doctor said, “Oh too loud!”.

Ak: When I get vaccine, I don’t cry.

Ri: I don’t cry. I got one here (pointed at his forearm).

Getting a vaccine is not as fun as going to the restaurant or playing out in the park. However, as we learned yesterday, it can help our bodies. The poke of the needle might feel quite painful, but a little pain might be better than to get sick and miss all the fun at school.

 We wondered if vaccines are only for people as we moved on to our question of the day.


Do dog and cat get vaccines?

Thank you, Ak, for reading our question of the day. Thank you, Ri and Ka for counting and writing the number of friends who chose YES and NO.  

NO ---

Ch: Because doctors don’t know where to vaccine (dogs and cats).

Ki: They (dogs and cats) shake their head because don’t want to go and get their vaccine.

Ke: The said, “I don’t want to go get vaccine. They do talk. I saw on YouTube”.

YES ---

Ak: Hana-chan got a shot. Cat is mommy and dog is daddy so it’s the same.

Yu: They do get vaccine, I know!

Ad: Everyone need vaccine even animals because they can get sick.

Ka: We have doctors for dogs and cats so they get vaccine, too.

Li: My daddy has a dog. He’s color white.

It was great sharing ideas about vaccines for dogs and cats. Although some of us have dogs at home, none of us remember seeing them vaccinated. Do our pets get vaccinated, too? We were so eager to know the answer! Vieda told us that she had something to show us. We patiently waited and…. We were so surprised to see a puppy getting vaccinated by a veterinarian. And it was not just one vaccine, but 4 at a time! Ka said, “I don’t want to watch!” (but she watched the whole time!). The vet said that the puppy was getting his vaccine on its leg and shoulder. It was interesting to note that the vet distracted the puppy’s attention away from the vaccine by giving him treats. The puppy did not cry at all, so it seems like the treats are effective! Now, we know that even dogs get vaccines! And that they also like treats just like us!

We also had our fire drill this morning. We were having our circle time when the fire alarm rang. The moment we heard the alarm, we immediately got up and covered our mouths and noses. We evacuated to the gate with our teachers in a calm and quiet way, too. Our teachers praised us for knowing exactly what to do in case of fire! Way to go, Flowers!

We hope your Tuesday is as terrific as ours!  See you all tomorrow!


Flowers Class








Ohana International School