Every End is a New Beginning

It was the last day of Petals 2020 school year! We were in a good and happy mood. We’re happy and fortunate to be able to see E on her last say in Ohana. It was also a nice day to send off our Petals Class graduates Ky, Ke and Ko as they will be going up to Flowers Class.

Free Play

In the morning, we were feeling the vibes as we had some woodwind music play and the musical instruments were out. The ribbons were also out so we can dance around. Some of us were relaxing to the music, dancing, drumming, playing with the castanets and clicker.

Circle Time

We sat down to listen to the Snowy Day by Erza Jack Keats. It was about a little boy named Peter, who woke up one day to see lots of snow outside. He went outside for an adventure in the snow. He played different games with the snow and found activities to do in the snow. After listening to the book, we talked about what winter means to us.

Za: Jacket! Hat!

Kai: No leaves on the trees.

E: Mittens

Ky: (Points at his socks) Snowflakes and Snowman.

Ko: Tree

No: Star

Si: Decorations

Sa: Onsen

We all have different ideas about winter. Maybe we will have more ideas after the break.


Farewell Party

We wanted to see what Eva and Kyosei wanted to do for the last day they will be in Petals Class. Eva wanted to play the “Laser” game. She’s been talking about it since yesterday. We remember the first time we ever played laser game in Petals Class, she didn’t want to play at all and sat out, now it’s one of her favorite games.

After a few rounds of laser game, we asked what Kyosei liked to play. He wanted to play freeze dance, one of his favorite games. The teachers beat the drums while we danced around. The first couple of rounds we played for fun then the teachers got serious and if we made any slight movements while the drum stopped beating we had to sit out. We really had to be careful. We couldn’t even turn our head or tap our fingers.

At some point, the fun had to stop. Some of us will continue to be in Petals next year, some will move up to Flowers Class and some are starting new lives in another country. Wherever we will be we will always remember the good times we’ve had in Petals Class Fall 2020. We hope you’ve enjoyed being with us this year and we look forward to seeing some of you next year!!

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!


Petals Class Children,






Ohana International School