New Changes in Flowers

A lot has happened in these past few days. We suddenly weren’t able to go to school on Friday and had to stay home. When we got to school the whole classroom was turned inside out, everything was cleaned thoroughly and left out to dry over the weekend. Our teachers did their best to work with the professionals to make sure every single germ was disinfected. After making sure our hands were clean, we helped our teachers tidy up the classroom and put everything back in it’s place. Our friends were so helpful they were asking teachers, “is there anything else I can help with?” thanks to them, Flowers Class was back to normal in no time. Nimo finally came back to flowers from petals which meant the Work Bench was once again open for crafting! A and Am were the next ones in line and they couldn’t wait to get their hands on the tools. A, Am, and Y were having a great time hammering, sawing, and screwdriving away at the wood pieces. Nimo was only there to make sure we were using the tools properly and safely, we were free to try and make anything we wanted. Our friends could probably spend the entire day at the work bench, but we had to go about our day, so our friends finished up their unique crafts and packed away.

We had our snacks first before we had our Monday Gym class. After we finished, we gathered at our usual spot and waited for Tsurumi-sensei to come. Nimo rallied us together and told us that a lot has changed, and one of those “changes” was that Tsurumi- sensei can’t come for Gym class for a while. So instead, Nimo will do our Gym class today! We love Tsurumi-sensei and wish he could do gym class like usual, but we are no strangers to the art of adapting, so we went with the flow and enjoyed what we had. Nimo started his Gym class with lots of stretching, some we haven’t done before. Once our bodies were well warmed up and ready to move, Nimo tried to have us do sit-ups. We put our knees up in the air and we tried to touch our knees with our elbows. Next, we did some burpies, we started slow and focus on moving with the rhythm, over time the beat got faster and we had to move faster. After a few more exercises we played, “What Time Is It Mr. Wolf”. Y had a great idea, instead of just walking to the wolf we had to walk with our heels and toes touching. This made us walk in a straight line and required lots of balancing. We played a few rounds of the Mr. Wolf game and then we played a few games of Spider Tug O’ War.

Today we talked about the changes in our school to protect ourselves and others from the corona virus.
Nimo: What do you think “Change” means?
Y: Change means something was there but it’s not there anymore.
Am: Different, different means it’s not the same.
A: Tomorrow and next time is changed 1 or 2 or 3.
Nimo: Why do we need to put on our masks, and why are teachers telling you to put your masks on properly?
M: Because it’s corona virus and we keep corona virus inside the mask
Y: Virus don’t come with masks, but without masks virus comes.
Am: Because virus comes inside if you don’t wear a mask.
A: If you don’t do mask, you feel sick and you cannot go outside.
M: If my sister gets sick, my daddy, my mommy and me cannot go to school.
A: One time, H-chan and me got sick for short time.
T: I was sick once too.
Nimo: Can you go to school and get everyone else sick?
Flowers: No
Nimo: What is a fever?
Y: I know in Japanese, it’s “netsu ga deru”
Am: I have a thing to see my temperature, it’s not that one, mine is a stick that’s tinner at one end and you put the stick in your armpit!
Y: Mommy and daddy always take my temperature.
Nimo: Wonderful! We used to only take our temperatures before we go to school, but now that has changed and now we need to take our temperature everyday, even if you aren’t coming to Ohana, even if it’s a holiday, even on the weekends.
A: Every Single Day
Nimo: Another big change at Ohana is that we don’t have anymore After School Classes until January.
Am: I won’t have Choir or Japanese class anymore, because I won’t be here when they start again.
Nimo: It’s sad we can’t do Karate with Yuji-sensei, or Japanese with Sayaka anymore, but the good news is we can have our own special after school class here in Flowers with our Flowers friends!
Y: Yay!

After lunch, we had a short drawing time and then we played an obstacle game that had some puzzles in it! It was a great brain and body work out! For our special after school class, we did some music time with Liezel then Numeracy with Nimo.

We are so happy and glad to be back at school, if we all work together, we can definitely get through this! Thank you everybody for your understanding and cooperation! Can’t wait to see you all again tomorrow!


Ohana International School