Colors and Our Emotions


Colored Wooden Slides Play

     The colored slides made its rare appearance in the room today and it sure did garnered a lot of attention from our little Buds friends this morning during Free Play period.

  The simple colored wooden slides brought out in us lots of innovative ideas! At first, we only played with the slides by randomly letting it stand on its own when Erika asked us a question, “What will happen if we lined it up this way? (in a domino form)?” Lo and behold! We started lining it up with just a few places in between each slide and had fun seeing it fall down like a domino! It sparked laughter and new friendships!

     Other ideas that came up were stacking it alternatively  to have a more stable structure and lining up the colored wooden slides to form shapes and according to the order of the colors of the wooden cars . The colored wooden slides also taught us how to share, take turns, and distribute a fair number of it between everyone.

Pasting Shiny Colorful Sequins

     Remember the long strips of paper that we have started stamping on with colored dots since last week…? Today, Goh San looked after when we used tubs of paste to stick shiny colored sequins in the shape of circles, flowers, and squares. We were given a choice of either using a brush or spatula to scoop out the paste. Of course, there’s also bound to be some playful, messy play as some of us just enjoy covering our hands with paste and rolling it over the sequins.

 Monthly Height and Weight Check

     It’s the time of the month again when our teachers need to document how much we have grown. Our teachers say that they share the same sentiments as we do whenever we need to step on the weighing scale as some of us were hesitant to do it. :)

  Just basing on John & Moko Sensei’s reactions when each of us stepped on the weighing scale and having our height checked, I guess it’s safe to assume that we’re growing pretty well.

 Coloring People Paper Cut Outs

     Another  activity that was made available was filling in people paper cut outs with colors using markers, pens, and pencils. It was up to us to decide which coloring material we wanted to use. Most of our younger friends opted to use markers and pens because the act of pulling its caps off entertained them. The ink was also a factor because it’s fun to scribble on our hands and sometimes on the table too! But of course, our teachers made sure that we knew how to clean up after having a fun mess.

     Our older friends opted to use colored pencils as it helps them in practicing their grip and hand control.

 Community Blocks & People Figurines

     The importance of learning about our social responsibility towards our community may be a “HUGE” concept for us to grasp and understand. But through toys and guided story plots made by our teachers, we are learning that respect and teamwork makes everyone happy.  


The music and movement period that we have before transitioning to our proper Circle Time is always fun, interactive, and sets the mood of the class. It’s wonderful to hear more suggestions coming from us when we are asked what action we would want to do. A asked us to do “Spiderman!”, H asked us to “Jump!”, E asked us to “Move hands”, and we also pretended to be like L by putting our hands in our pockets.

     John showed us different poses that we could do whenever he had to freeze while dancing to Ella Jenkin’s “Stop & Go” and Raffi’s “Shake My Sillies Out”.  After all the hyper dancing, it was time to calm down and shake off our excess energy through Patty Shukla’s  “Shake & Move”.

     When we have all settled down, we sang our “Good Morning” song. Erika asked each of us to say our names out loud when some of us had a playful idea of covering our faces to play peek a boo. We were shown pictures of our friends who weren’t with us this morning and had to guess how they might be feeling. We were promised a story about colors and emotions tomorrow as we were running out of time to go to the park!

     During our walk, we felt a light drizzle so we had to turn back which made us all sad. After a few minutes, it stopped and we made another U-turn to head to back to the park! We ended up having big smiles on our faces which gave us a bright and light feeling despite the gloomy weather.

     Hope you all had something that made you feel “bright and light” in this gloomy day!

                                                                                                 Love, Buds Class Children




Ohana International School