Birthday Party

Every day is a celebration in Buds class! Following yesterdays Diwali party, we had another celebration today. Sometimes our birthday party at Ohana falls on days other than our birthday but today it was actually T’s real birthday! We were luck enough to celebrate it with him. Before getting to the birthday party, we had some time to play.

Free Play

We had our light table out with colorful geometric magnets to play with. We made trains with the shapes and even said some of the shapes. Some of us gathered the same shapes and made trains. We continued to work on the Diwali prints with dot markers. There’s something about pushing the markers down that we really enjoy. We also added to the group art that we’ve been working on. Today, we added colorful glitters. Last but not least, we enjoyed playing with the Duplo blocks on the floor.

Circle Time

Before our birthday party, we had a short circle time. We sang songs and warmed up by moving our bodies. Chop-Chop, our class bunny joined us and counted how many children were here by touching our heads. We love Chop-Chop so much, we all wanted to give it a hug.


Birthday Party!!


It was finally time for the birthday party! T’s parents F and T joined us on Zoom to see the festivities. T doesn’t look like a birthday boy yet so we gave him a birthday hat. He also received a birthday card with all his friends faces and messages from the teachers. We sang happy birthday to them in English, Japanese and in Chinese. Now, it was time to have fun! We stood up and played a little freeze dance while we walked around in a circle. We’re getting pretty good at freezing! T and F had a little surprise for us too. They read “Cookie and His Friends” to us over Zoom. We were very quiet and listened to them over the speaker. Thank you so much for reading to us! It’s always amazing having our parents participate in celebrations with us whether digitally or in person. Of course, we prefer in person. HAPPY BIRTHDAY T!!! Enjoy your special day!

Park Time

We had lots of park time today and we were joined by Petals Class in the green area. We enjoyed running away and chasing all the teachers and some of us just wanted to relax and lay down in the corner. It’s always a good time playing together with friends, especially the bigger friends because we can learn from them. That’s all for us today! We hope you also had a special day!


Buds Class Children


Ohana International School