The Bye- Bye Party Part I


        Yes, you read that right. We had part 1 of our bye– bye party today for our friends going up to Flowers Class: K, S, and K. We’re going to have one more bye– bye party for our friends who are leaving Ohana, and for i when he comes back.

Our party started with Pauline asking who amongst us are going to Flowers Class.

“Me! Me!” A said, pointing to himself.

“Nooooo… you will need to say bye– bye to diapers first, okay?” the teachers said. A pointed to his diaper and said, “Diaper? Gone. Gone!” He joked with a big grin. We all laughed. Actually, A is doing a great with his toilet training, so probably he’s going to say goodbye to his diapers soon. Good job!

Next, Pauline asked us what we will the most about our friends. We mostly replied that we will miss playing with them, especially when we have our park time.

“What would you like to do?” R asked S. She replied that she likes playing in the park and dancing ballet.

“What do you like?” R asked K.

“Playing,” K replied. “Playing with cars,” he added.

“How about food? What food do you like?” Pauline asked.

“Broccoli,” Kai teased.

After that, we started our games! The first game was called the “Packing Away Game”. As our friends need to pack away all their things in Petals Class like spare clothes, life books, and blankets and sheets and bring them to Flowers Class, then this was the perfect game.

Each team had a basket containing a blanket, book, toys, and a puzzle. We then carry the basket to other side of the room and unpack. We bring the empty basket back to the next person, who carries it again to the other side to pack away again. This whole cycle repeats up until the last member of the team. Whoever finishes first wins the game. Team 1 was K, Z, A, and K; Team 2 was S, Z, R, and Kai. Kai and Zayna then switched teams for the second part. Team 1 won twice, but then again, we were just having fun doing the whole relay and mostly cheered each for each other.

Next, we sat in a circle, and Pauline said we have to use our good listening ears, and we have to remember well what our friends will say.

First, Pauline asked about favorite colors.

“Rainbow,” S answered.

“Red, white, and black,” K said.

“I like blue!” K enthused.

The second part was all about favorite food.

“Cake,” S replied.

“Ice cream,” K said.

“Pizza and pasta,” K said.

The last part was about their favorite toys.

“Soft toys,” S said.

“Robots,” K said.

“Everything!” K said.

Then, the teachers asked the three of them to sit down on the chairs.  The next game was going to be like a game show! Yay! We danced enthusiastically before Pauline asked the first question.

“Okay...the first question is… who has a favorite color of blue? Go!” she said. At first, we were a bit confused about what to do. Our teachers encouraged us to line up in front of our friends who we think best answers the question. Z, Z, and R all answered K; A chose K.

“The answer is…. K!” Pauline announced. We all cheered, including A.

“Next.. Who likes red, white, and black?” Pauline asked.

“It’s K!” Z answered quickly.

“Go!” Pauline said, and we lined up in front of K. We were correct again!

“Next is about food,” Pauline said. “Who likes cake? K, K, or S?” she asked.

“S!” Z answered immediately.

“Are you sure? Go!” Pauline said, and we all scrambled to line up in front of S. A wasn’t sure, and he lined up in front of K. S confirmed that it was her who likes cake.

“But good try, A! Yay!” we cheered for him.

“Our next question is about toys,” Pauline said. “Who likes robots?” she asked. We all hurriedly lined up in front of K.

“Do you like robots?” Pauline asked to confirm with everyone.

“Yes!” K said. The next question was who likes soft toys, and we all answered that it was S.

We ended our party by showing them their bye– bye mats filled with wonderful pictures of their time in Petals Class, plus a message from all the teachers. Our teachers said they can take it home next time, and they will make sure that it’s in a special envelope so that it doesn’t get wrinkled or crumpled.

That’s all for Wednesday— how about you? How was your day?



All the sunny bunnies in Petals Class



Ohana International School