Photo Day and 753

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Morning Free Play Time

Good morning! “Wow, you look great!” “Nice hair!” Our teachers could tell that we are ready for the photo day. For taking our yearbook photo, we went to the office. Then we also had another photo shoot in Petals. It’s our 753 photo. Since we can’t share things now because of Covid, we decided to make our kimono and hakama for 753 photoshoot. Kai took photos of us. At the big table, we had the face puzzle art activity with Pauline. At the small table was the dream catcher making table with Sayaka.

Circle Time-753

After we had snack, we started our circle time. “How are you Petals?” Sayaka asked us, and we all said, “Goooood.” as we put our thumbs up. Sayaka told us that she will be talking about 753 for today. “But let me tell you something” She said to us. Wednesday which is tomorrow and Thursday, teachers have their teacher exchange. We were guessing that Kai will move up to Flowers and spend time with Flowers children. But then Kai told us that he is going to Buds. “Buds?! We know lots about Buds class,” we said with eyes opened wide. H was wondering and asked him, “Kai are you ready?” Kai said, “I don’t know if I’m ready but it’ll be interesting.” Sayaka asked us if we could tell something about Buds class to Kai, and he will be able to expect what will happen in Buds.

Z: He’s going to see my baby brother!

Zn: I was crying in Buds class, because I miss my mama and I want her to come to pick me up.
Hamish: I cried because I wanted mommy to pick me up and also take me home.

E: Playing.

Sayaka asked Lynn if she remembers what she did in Buds. L: ママ、まだこないなーって。”Mama didn’t come” in Japanese.

K: When I go to Buds, Erika and John John playing blocks.

We are sure that Kai is going to have a fun time with them but ganbatte! Since he is going to go Buds, Nimo from Flowers class is coming down here in Petals for two days. We are excited to have him! Then Sayaka also mentioned about some children who are moving up to Flowers class from January. They are going to spend a little time in Flowers class every Wednesday and Friday to see and feel what does Flowers Class do and they can get used it. Some Buds children are going to come to Petals, too. “I’m sure Buds friends need more help than Petals.” Sayaka said and H replied, “I’m going to help them!”


“Do you know what 753 is?” Sayaka started talking about 753 by asking this question. Sayaka asked us to count in Japanese. Shichi is seven, go is five, san is three in Japanese, she told us. It is one of the Japanese traditional events for kids. For boys, when they are three and five years old, they celebrate 753. For girls, it will be aged three and seven years old. To do 753, they all dress up in kimono (girls) or hakama (boys). Families usually dress up as well and go to a local shrine or temple for the ceremony. There, they pray for each child’s healthy growth. The children get a special a long stick candy called chitoseame. Chitose means 1000 years so it represents a long life. It wasn't easy to survive when they got some disease a long time ago, Sayaka told us. We do have some good medicine now and we can take them when we are sick but there was no good medicine to recover from sickness before. So, in the past, three, five, and seven are seen as important markers of the child’s growth. It was an interesting thing to know for us, especially when Sayaka was talking about the special candy, we all listened to her….hehehe. After that we headed to the park and enjoyed outdoor play.

Thank you very much for today and see you all tomorrow.



Happy Petals 2020-2021


Ohana International School