A Day of Colors and Textures


Good day dear friends and teachers!  It was such a beautiful day outside and we’re excited to see Ohana again because we didn’t come to school on Thursday and Friday last week. We would like to thank our parents who came for our PTC and they all had a great time talking to our amazing teachers.

Free Play Time

We had  our tables set with sand, oats and pompoms. Shelley provided some cutlery and cups wherein we could transfer these materials from one place to another.

There were also some colorful puzzles prepared for us. We tried to match the pieces in to the slots and we put them all together with ease. We tried to practice our matching skills and each day we are all getting better at this.

Circle time

We did a music session with John and this time, we danced to the tune of “Shake your sillies out” and “Walking, walking”. Our bodies were so full of energy. We also sang our “Good morning” song with our friend toy dog “Chop-Chop”. We said our names and gave a kiss to our special friend and thanked him because he visited us today with a big smile.

Tsurumi-sensei and gym class

After our circle time, Tsurumi-sensei came to our class for a great gym class. We got so excited to see him and we all did our stretching just like what we always do. We then did the table pose and we’re getting better and better.

For our special task, Tsurumi-sensei prepared the tunnel, chairs with a string attached to them and the tactile beams. Our sensei demonstrated how to do the obstacle course and we followed him. Of course, we had to wait for our turn and the balancing activity was still challenging for us to do so we needed a little bit of assistance. After that, we all celebrated our success in completing the obstacles.

Park time

It is always our favorite time during the day to walk to the park. It’s a beautiful morning and our friends and teachers started singing “You are my sunshine”.  When we got to the park, we couldn’t wait but to run around the green area as much as we could. It was really nice to have this chance of just using up our energy.

Story time

The Color book and Polar Bear’s underwear by Tupera Tupera

John read the color book and it was nice to know that our friends became more familiar with the colors. Identifying them is one indicator that learning colors with art and music could really help us learn and enjoy our topic about colors.

Earthquake Drill

During our gym class, we heard an alarm sounding off and our teachers told us that we were doing our earthquake drill so we all went under the table and put our helmet on until we were able to go outside.

Thank you so much Ohana for another beautiful day and see you all again tomorrow.

Lots of love,

All the children from Buds Class


Ohana International School