Let's Help Our Planet Earth
Morning free play
We had two art tables today. One is making a lantern with Kai. The other table is for otukimi art table. H and Z were the first one who started doing it. At the back of the classroom was full of dinosaurs! Pauline asked us if we want to play with small dinosaurs or big dinosaurs. Z really wanted to play with the big dinosaurs. So, he helped Pauline to borrow from Buds class. Some of us enjoyed playing with small dinosaurs and 3D puzzle.
Circle time We had a bit longer morning free play time so today’s circle time turned out a bit shorter than usual-That’s for making sure that we don’t miss the park time. After we sang morning greeting song, we chose classroom jobs for this week. Sayaka asked us to check the weather. Z and K are this week’s weather reporter. So, they checked today’s weather. They said, “It’s sunny and hot!” Sayaka was wondering if its still hot or not really hot anymore. She asked us to look at friends’ shirts. Some were wearing short sleeves but other friends were wearing long sleeves. Z had jackets on and she asked her again, “Z do you feel hot or not really hot anymore?” Z said, “Not really hot.” A few children even said, “It’s little bit chilly.” We feel that it’s getting cooler and ready for autumn season.
After that Sayaka showed us two plastic bags and asked where we should put it in. Should we put it in the burnable, un-burnable, or keep it with plastic bottles? Most of us thought that we should throw plastic bag as burnable trash. Then Sayaka gave us a clue….Plastic bag is plastic. It’s same as the yogurt container. When it was S’s turn, she told him plastic is same as your granola bag. S pointed out unburnable box and put it inside. H also told her when he has yogurt container, he puts in the unburnable box. Sayaka said, “That’s a great idea and I have the same idea!” Then Sayaka started explaining when we have trash, we separate them. When we have plastic trash such as yogurt, snack bag, we should rinse it. Why? Sayaka emphasized that its for recycling. Recycling means re-use. If we don’t recycle and throw away things everyday, what will happen to us? Sayaka started drawing….it’s our planet Earth! She drew two pictures that planet earth is full of trash, and then less trash. She added that if we throw trash every day, our planet is going to have lots of gomi and we always see gomi. S said, “I don’t want gomi.” Z said, “I don’t want to have lots of gomi.” H said, “I think a little trash is okay.” Sayaka agreed with him. She said, “I think so, too. A little trash is ok. But, I don’t want our planet Earth full of gomi.” “I don’t want, too!” we all said to her. Then recycling is a great way to reduce trash. Lastly, she told us that plastic turn into new products. When Sayaka said that plastic can be turning into parts of car, A opened his eyes widely and said, “Car? Wow!” It’s a great start learning how we can help our planet Earth.
Thank you for today and see you all tomorrow.
Happy Petals 2020-2021