Our Self Portraits
When Eito and Tokutaro arrived this morning and completed their jobs they immediately noticed something new on the carpet. Upon opening the bag they discovered a selection of long purple poles and what looked like legs to something. Right at the bottom of the bag was an electronic keyboard and the poles were the stand for the keyboard section. Together they figured out how to put the poles together to make the keyboard stand up off the ground.
They looked so pleased with themselves and were soon joined by Riko playing some tunes together.
Marc and Nile soon headed for the new wooden blocks on the carpet which you use with marbles to roll down a track you build. It was fun watching the marble to see if it would successfully get all the way to the bottom. Kosei, Ava, Jenny and Toku saw the light box on the table with some funny x-rays on the surface. There were pictures of a skeleton sitting using a laptop and another of a skeleton roller skating. They really enjoyed tracing the skeletons onto white paper.
After clearing away the toys and eating our yummy snacks Nanako read a wonderful new book to the children titled ‘Charlie Cook’s favorite book’ and then started our circle time.
We all made a big circle by holding hands and then practiced being gentle with our friends by making a really small circle by coming in very close to our friends. Making a medium circle we all sang and did the actions to ‘A ring, a ring of roses’ which the children all love.
Tokutaro, Ava and jenny then all helped with the daily calendar showing the day, date and month which was fun. Yesterday we all drew a group face and so today we used a mirror for the children to all look at before adding the details to the whiteboard face. We all did some details on the head picture including: face, eyes, eyelashes, nose, nostrils, ears, eyebrows, mouth, lips, hair, ears, neck and shoulders.
We then split into two groups, the first to do a self-portrait and the second to make some new colored play-dough.
The children helped us move the table in front of the mirrors and then we all looked really carefully at the features of our face. We were all so proud of our face drawings and they will go in our special portfolio books. The second group meanwhile were measuring and mixing the flour, oil, water, salt and cream of tartar. They did a really good job and the play-dough looked a beautiful sea blue color.
The second group then swapped and made some great green play-dough. In the afternoon we used the play-dough to make faces. There were a lot of modelling tools in the middle of the table for us all to share and we did a great job with this. Wishing you all a great afternoon.
All our Love, Darren, Ayaka and Nanako.