Lets make a face together
Today we welcomed our new friends Adam and Kosei to the classroom. They soon settled in, did their morning jobs and spent time at both the table doing activities as well as on the carpet playing with the wooden train sets. It is always great to see the children settle so quickly and make new friends in the free play time.
On the tables we started our ‘secret’ birthday cards for our friends and used markers, sparkly pens, pencils, little animal stamps and stickers. Adam and Kosei used the same materials to make a snack and lunchtime placemat for themselves which we laminated for them to use when eating. In the library area we got together to read a short book together in free play time.
We started off with Nile and Eito who were interested in reading the book with the teachers and very soon there were many of the children who joined us to read a funny book titled ‘Room on the Broom’. The play-dough was also popular this morning and we used lots of heart and star shaped cookie cutters as well as modelling tools.
The play-dough was kept in the refrigerator overnight and so it was funny seeing Riko’s face when she touched it. We cleared away the toys really well today and sang our good morning song together. After our snack time song and eating our yummy snacks we got ready for the park. We wanted to get to the park early as we heard that there was rain coming later. On the way to ‘step park’ we headed down the small alley between the houses and noticed lots of leaves and small branches on the ground. We were so surprised to see some men right up at the top of the fence who were trimming the branches. We decided it looked like a small jungle on the ground and crept carefully through the leaves.
We had a good time in the park using the slide and sand toys. Nile wanted to show us how good she was on the swings while Tokutaro showed everyone how fast he could slide down the concrete slide. Jeremy and Jessica along with Eito and Arata used the sand box.
Unfortunately it started to rain and so we rushed back to the school before it really started. We all drank some water and folded up our park smocks to put them away which was a big help. On the carpet we read the book “I care about others” which shows us how we can show we care about others. This was also one of our class rules that we discussed yesterday and so we firstly went through all of the rules we could think of together on the board. Our ideas included: walking feet inside the classroom, indoor voices, sharing with our friends, holding the park rope, and being nice and gentle with our friends.
Using the large whiteboard we then made a group face picture by drawing in the eyes, ears, eyes, eyelashes, eyebrows etc. The picture looked really funny and we all laughed at how silly it looked.
We then sang our goodbye song together and look forward to another exciting day tomorrow.
All our Love, Darren and Ayaka