Happy Birthday Allie, Yossie, Tirza, Jeremy & Jessica
We had a jam packed day full of art, birthdays and fun! In the morning the children made their own prints by firstly gluing circles, squares and triangles onto paper. Then they used a roller brush to paint the raised up shapes. Lastly they stuck a piece of paper on top and and gently rubbed it with a roller or their hands and pulled it off. Some children were surprised to see how well their pictures turned out! Dogs, transformers, trains, fairies, boats and themselves were what everyone ended up making.
After clean up it was time for our big birthday party. We celebrated Allie, Jessica, Jeremy, Tirza and Yossi’s birthdays. We sang ‘What is Your Name?’ because Tirza and Yossi’s cousin, Chashi came to join the party. We also danced to ‘If You’re Happy and You Know it’ and our friends took turns to pass out the birthday crowns and cards. Karin, Jessica and Jeremy’s Mum read one of their favorite books ‘Should I Share My Ice Cream?’ and the children were enthralled by it. The children had fun playing musical chairs with Yossi being the winner. It was pleasing to see that when the children missed out on a chair they all laughed and sat on the sidelines.
We sang happy birthday and Jessica, Jeremy, Allie, Yossi and Tirza all blew out the birthday candles before we all had a delicious snack.
Thank you to Karin, Chana and Baby for helping us celebrate and bringing yummy food. Should we or shouldn’t we go to the park? That’s what we were thinking today but we decided to take the chance and it was fine, just a few drops of rain here and there. At the park the children sang ‘You Are My Sunshine’ several times because of the line “Please don’t take my sunshine away!” Before lunch we did some group drawing on the whiteboards. The children were only allowed to draw one line, shape, wiggle etc at once and pass the marker to a friend.
The first picture turned out ok but it was mostly individual shapes so when we explained about working together and trying to draw a picture together the children got it and drew a funny monster person.
All our love, Darren, Ayaka and Sharee